Kontrol S61 Transpose MIDI info

DMeach78 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

Using MainStage, how can I see the transpose info I set on the keyboard? -or- how could I see the transpose info on keyboard when I press the transpose buttons? If not possible, could this be a future update please?

i would also like to name the buttons and knobs on the keyboard when I use as a default midi controller instead of seeing “CC14”. Using Komplete Kontrol, view, MIDI learn, I cannot rename. And I cannot get the midi icon to show in the app so I can try to edit there.

sorry so many things, but I’ve researched what I could, and tried for three days now after work until bed time trying to figure this out to no avail.

thank you for your time and help with this!



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    I recommend an alternative- automation.

    With automation, you have unlimited access to automizing every single setting of your app.

    Kontrol S61 can control only 8 settings.

    Just speaking from my point of view.

  • DMeach78
    DMeach78 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Milos, thanks for your feedback. Could you expand on alternative automation. I’m clueless.

    Also is there a way to see the S61 transpose data on MainStage?

    Mainstage allows me to have “sets”, so I can have many different songs, or sounds setup and simply choose set to load songs or sounds. Right now I have three, (1) for intro to song A, (2) for verse and chorus to song A, (3) with 8 different sounds to turn on and off whenever I choose. I plan on building more but I just got this 5 days ago and I’m learning on the fly.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    You can use the automation inside the DAW.

    Just like I have automation feature on each track with the daw called Cakewalk.

    I am pretty sure your daw has the automation feature as well.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    You can just Google 'MainStage automation'

    As for the automation itself-here is how it works.

    You open any Midi track that has settings inside, or any effect and fx rack inside the MIDI or audio track, you assign the certain automation knob or automation track to the midi track or the audio track with the effects and now you can play with the automation.

    Tutorials will tell you the rest about MainStage automation.

  • DMeach78
    DMeach78 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Ok, I understand now. I’m not using ableton light that comes with, I already have studio one 6 I use. I have track automation for fx and volume setup.

    i appreciate you explaining, I believe I would rather try to setup some sort of way to see what the current transpose is on the S61, as it doesn’t show any info on that currently. And I’ll probly use quite often.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    It is ok, but again, I recommend using in-DAW automation.

    Have fun controlling the settings!

  • DMeach78
    DMeach78 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks! 😁 Wish me luck

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