Anyone having problems with "Fables" presets?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey all, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue in Kontakt in standalone. What I've noticed is that certain samples only have a little key range, for example here, you will only get sound from this sample layer when playing the blue keys:

    OP said he tried with different key ranges, is it the same for you @Calagan @sarjenius @Uwe303 ?

    When I read some of the descriptions, I'm also wondering if this could be related to another issue we've seen rising lately with libraries where you can change sample or layers on the fly. In FL Studio or in Maschine:

    Kontakt 7 crashes in FlStudio21 Please Help!

    Do you experience this issue in Kontakt in standalone? In a DAW? What DAW?

  • sarjenius
    sarjenius Member Posts: 9 Member

    Normally i use Ableton Live 11. I have tested it just now in standalone Kontakt 7: Childs Play, using the blue Keys has only the first instrument really working for me. The 2nd gives no sound at all. The Metal Perc is just barely audible, using velocity from 110 to 127 - i changed that to 0 to 127 and it gave no sound at all .....

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper
    edited December 2023

    I just loaded "Childs Play" in Kontakt standalone. Mod=100%; Expression = 100%; Velocity 100%

    Layer 1 (Tuned Perc) - plays as expected.

    Layer 2 (SFX) - no sound at all. Key range appears to be mapped but still no sound.

    Layer 3 (Metal Perc) - made some sound for about 15 sec. then stopped working completely. So I loaded a new patch and then reloaded "Child Play". This time, Metal Perc made no sound at all - even at first.

    I tried changing the Key/Vel-range on these as well - with no results.

    I have the same issues in Komplete Kontrol running in Logic Pro.

    This is just one of the patches I am having problems with and I echo what was said earlier - the 'playability' of this thing is awful.

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    Also, the 'mix' level of the layers does not seem to be balanced well in some of the patches. Many of them are so low in level that the only way to determine if they are working is to watch the meter. Not very useful...

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    I loaded "Coded Whispers" in Kontakt 7 standalone. SFX (in layer 3) make no sound at all even after messing with the various settings. Alas...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    edited December 2023

    Some of the key ranges are ridiculous, Childs play is mapped to just 2 white keys at the top end of the key range on a S 61 MkII / yes it goes higher on a 88 key model but then it is getting close inaudible it’s so high pitched

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper


    Just loaded "A Lone Tower". Layer 3 (Low Perc) made sound for maybe 2 seconds then stopped working altogether. This was in Kontakt 7 standalone. So, it's not only the SFX elements that aren't consistent.

    A reload only resulted in the layer not working at all. Hard to tell what's going on here, but I hope the developers will re-work this thing. Also, we need a way to adjust the levels of the layers or at least allow us to route them to different outputs. Right now, the only way I am able to adjust the level is to use aftertouch - silly.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Ok, so after playing around a bit more and following your steps, I also encountered similar issues, even if not exactly the same, at some point, after a few manipulations and sample selection, sound does disappear. I'm checking with the Kontakt Instruments team. Thanks all for the input & troubleshooting!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    The issue was already flagged and it's been communicated to our partners for this library. We don't have an ETA for the fix at the moment.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    It's at least a good thing the issue is acknowledged... I hope we will not be obliged to download again 50Go of data in order to update it...

    But there is something strange : the library was released this summer, and until now nobody has ever noticed these issues ? I mean, I downloaded it few days ago and after few minutes of trying it, just for fun, I noticed that some sounds were disappearing. And people are posting only now about it.

    So maybe it's an issue with the last Kontakt 7...

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper


    I was wondering that as well. I just hope that they address it soon.

  • maxdis
    maxdis Member Posts: 9 Member

    I'm having the same problem, for example with the "Moment of Realisation" preset the SFX instrument will stop working after a while.

    I also found another (maybe related?) annoying thing: if I assign my MIDI controller's knobs to each instruments layer's volume (using the MIDI learn feature) , and I'm in the "main" instrument view (the one with Reverb, Noise etc...knobs) , if I turn my MIDI controller knobs to change the single layers volume nothing happens; the only way to change layers volume via MIDI controller is to open the specific layer tab I want to change and then the volume will react correctly to my MIDI controller. Actually I've found that moving a MIDI knob will change the number value (but not the knob "image") of ALL the volume layers, but the volume will be affected ONLY if the specific layer is visible in the interaface.

    For example: let's say I assigned knob 1 on my MIDI controller to the left instrument Layer 1, knob 2 to the middle instrument Layer 1, and so on. If I move knob 1, ALL the layers volume number values will change at the same time, but the actual volume (and visual knob image) of layer 1 will change ONLY if layer 1 is visible in the interface.

    Please fix this because it is a total workflow killer

  • TylerPierceMusic
    TylerPierceMusic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Didn't see this before creating a post of my own. I'm experiencing this issue as well, however mine only seems to be with the French Horn and its various articulations. However it may be happening with others, as I JUST started playing with the library and this was the first instrument I noticed this issue with.

    It's so strange. The CPU and Voice count readouts behave as normal, as if audio were playing... But there's no audio playing. The CC11/VEL mapping is off, layer volume cranked, nothing matters. The sample progress par shows activity as well, but no actual sound happens.

    Sometimes an articulation works for a few key strokes, then stops. Other times it doesn't work at all. Sometimes switching to one that does work and back to one that doesn't makes it work... but only for a few notes until it once again stops.

    Whether it was "thoroughly tested" or not; there seems to be a multitude of users experiencing these issues. Hope to see an update in NA soon.

  • Oethoi
    Oethoi Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Any update on this? I'm noticing the same thing. Some presets just don't play with my midi keyboard. I can manually use my mouse cursor and they play, but they don't respond to my keyboard. Sometimes after reloading they do for a brief moment or so.

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    None that I am aware of

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