Kontakt 7.7.2 - Double Click to add or replace?



  • srg914
    srg914 Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    Unfortunately, this does not work. I'm running 7.10.5. The way I like to choose instruments is by sound so I click once to preview and double click to load. Newest selection overwrites previous one even with your solution. Best way I've found to deal with this is to create an empty file first before making new selection. It allows me to add a new instrument, then I need to delete the empty file. This way it still keeps all my instrument selections in the rack. Unbelievable that NI hasn't fixed this problem.

  • Reber Clark
    Reber Clark Member Posts: 21 Member

    Huh. This absolutely works for me.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,353 mod

    It does work if you are in rack view, which is where people often work from if they are building up multis. If you are loading from the new browser (as I guess you are to use previews) you first need to make sure the instrument loading in the rack is not selected by clicking on the empty rack space below, then each instrument is opened below the first one rather than replacing it. It is a bit confusing but the option is there now at least.

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