Why are there no sound in my project with NI?

Chong Member Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I have an Ableton Live project with a bunch Komplete Kontrol instrument tracks. When I press the play button, there is no sound at all. If I drag and drop Komplete Kontrol to a new track and select an instrument, it works. However, all my existing NI are no longer playing. It seems like all my existing instruments are no longer linked to my project even though it still shows in my track that Komplete Kontrol is there. Any help in getting this to work without manually relinking each track to its original instrument is appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Chong Were these old projects made with the VST2 version of Komplete Kontrol? Unfortunately there is no automativc migration from vst2 to vst3 in Ableton. Make sure to use the AU or VST3 version of Komplete Kontrol.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    More details needed. Maybe you made them originally with an older version of KK or maybe you used VST2 instrument and now you use VST3? ...some screen shots maybe helpful too

  • Chong
    Chong Member Posts: 73 Member

    Here's a quick video capture of this sample project that has the issue of no sound from the existing tracks but when I dragged another KK instrument into the track, it has sound.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited November 2023

    i see... ok, maybe is my imagination, but, that Komplete Kontrol 5 track (for example), while it shows that it has midi data, i can't see a loaded instrument on it!

    Without a loaded instrument, midi data does not produce sound, as you probably know, so open that KK instance (the KK 5 track) and see if it has a loaded instrument on it!

    Check all those 3 tracks. Each one must have a loaded instrument on it. Your video shows nothing about those channels, only the new instances.

  • Chong
    Chong Member Posts: 73 Member

    This is what all those three tracks showed.

    If this does not mean that it has an instrument loaded then something must have happened because it was working perfectly fine the last time it was saved. So the question is, why or what causes it to lose the instrument?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited November 2023

    I am not an Ableton expert, i use Cubase, however i know some basic things and i can make music with Ableton.

    So, loading a KK instance doesn't mean anything, if you don't load an instrument inside it.

    You need to open the KK interface to see if there is a loaded instrument there, it is the first and most obvious thing to do, but you are doing everything else except that! :-)

    So, please click there to open the interface and see if it has an instrument loaded!

    As for about the question, why or what causes it to lose the instrument (if it lost) it could be a number of reasons. But the most obvious is that you made the track with a VST2 version and now you use VST3.

  • Chong
    Chong Member Posts: 73 Member

    Thanks for the help. Okay, so it seemed that for whatever reason it is, KK lost the link to the actual instruments that is why when I play there is no sound because there is no instrument linked in the KK. All the instruments are still there but KK failed to link to it. Any way to tell what the last saved instrument that was linked in the KK? It would best if KK can automatically relink but if not, I like to know what instrument I need to manually relink them. I assumed at this point, may have lost any settings I've in KK too. So, going forward, how do I prevent something like this from happening?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod

    I suggest that you make 2 versions of your projects (just copy them as backup somewhere) because maybe this can be fixed in a future update. Then open the Ableton project file one by one with a text editor, and search in it. I can not guarantee it will work in Ableton project, but it works for a Cubase project.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Chong Were these old projects made with the VST2 version of Komplete Kontrol? Unfortunately there is no automativc migration from vst2 to vst3 in Ableton. Make sure to use the AU or VST3 version of Komplete Kontrol.

  • Chong
    Chong Member Posts: 73 Member

    By looking at the individual track, how do I tell if it's using VST2 or VST3?

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