Electric Sunburst DeLuxe & Electric Vintage VIBRATO

smLARGE Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Has anyone had any luck at eliminating the vibrato feature on either of these two otherwise outstanding electric guitar plug-ins?

I don't know if I'm hammering (velocity) too much on my MIDI keyboard... or... what the trick might be to squash the vibrato. I prefer a non-vibrato sound.

Any tips will be much appreciated.


Best Answer

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Sounds like your keyboard has after touch and you are triggering that. I don't know if you can decomission that in either Sunburst or Vintage (I have both of them) or you can do it in your keyboard settings or DAW settings and just control vibrato w. your wheel when you need it. Or just don't engage it by fully compressing the keys. I think the instruments you have assign it to both if your keyboard has after touch by default. I use Vintage and Sunburst for rhythm guitars and patterns and Shreddage Stratus for solo work


  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Sounds like your keyboard has after touch and you are triggering that. I don't know if you can decomission that in either Sunburst or Vintage (I have both of them) or you can do it in your keyboard settings or DAW settings and just control vibrato w. your wheel when you need it. Or just don't engage it by fully compressing the keys. I think the instruments you have assign it to both if your keyboard has after touch by default. I use Vintage and Sunburst for rhythm guitars and patterns and Shreddage Stratus for solo work

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    I don't have the DeLuxe version of Sunburt, but wasn't hearing anything weird in the regular version. Is it perhaps one of the pedals under Amps & FX that's adding it?

    I saw in Electric Mint NI was nice enough to add a vibrato slider, but I didn't see one in Sunburst.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 848 Guru

    Finally upgraded with the new cyber sale.

    For me there's a vibrato control in the upper left that by default is tied to my keyboard's modulation wheel. I can hear the difference when it's off vs full. Is this not working for you? Or are you saying that even with it off the samples still have some vibrato in them?

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