Dropdown menus not working in last Reaktor 6.5 update.

JuliusLC Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I've found 2 problems since I've updated to Reaktor 6.5 VST2.

1.- When I load an ensemble (Prism, Monark, Trk-01, Carbon...) my DAW freezes for 15-30 seconds. I can see the interfaze of the loaded plugin & I can play sounds. It's not a CPU freeze, song/audio keeps playing.

2.- Dropdown menus don't show. Both Reaktor plugin interface & ensemble interface.

I've downgraded to 6.3 now and the dropdown menus are showing but the freeze is still there (I'll clean Cell cache right now)

3.- The application version 6.3 works flawlessly. No freeze on load.

Windows 10 up to date, Ryzen R5 5600, 24Gb RAM, Fast SSD...

Best Answer

  • JuliusLC
    JuliusLC Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    Superfunky. I uninstalled Reaktor 6 but a pair of VST2 DLL stood in C:\Audio\VST64\#Modular

    Everything works fine now, but now Reaktor is not activated, they're probably old DLL's.

    (some minutes later)

    3rd today's reinstall. Finally, I found that the VST3 file has the problem. The VST2 version works fine, but i've lost all the song saved settings. Such an expected NI behaviour. Not the first time I put all my job into dirt thanks to bad NI preset management and inicompatibility between plugin versions.

    Holy crab. I stopped using Kontakt 18 years ago because of this.

    Not sure why you're extracting things from an installer rather than just installing using Native Access?

    Because these old things need an old Native Access version to be reinstalled, and I need no more messing with installers. Thanks anyway.


  • JuliusLC
    JuliusLC Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    About dropdown menus: I downgraded to 6.3 last night, but the v6.5 plug-in keeps loading and dropdown menus NOW work properly. Maybe it has something to do with VST3/VST2, next step is uninstall Reaktor and erase all Reaktor 6 plug-ins.

    I also extracted the Reaktor 5 plug-in from the updater & some ensembles & ran them in demo mode:

    - No samples missing when loading an ensemble with samples reused. (Nanowave, VirusM... )

    - Ensembles load fast & easy.

    - Dropdown menus work fine.

    - Not supported by Native Acces.

    I've read that "Reaktor 6 is the future" but I can't feel it is.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited November 2023


    for 10 days now, i see your post in the "unanswered questions", and read it, again and again. I'd like to help, but some things you wrote, makes no sense at all...

    Can you make some print-screens? for example the drop-down menus... it is impossible to not work!

    About Reaktor 5:

    It is very-very old and there is no benefit in using it, also you can not have both 5 and 6 on the same system.

    It is a very different program too, with its own installer, licenses etc. You can not just "extract" some ensembles, they will run in demo of course.

    "When I load an ensemble (Prism, Monark, Trk-01, Carbon...) my DAW freezes for 15-30 seconds. I can see the interface of the loaded plugin & I can play sounds. It's not a CPU freeze, song/audio keeps playing."

    No one does that, to load another instrument while DAW is playing! Exactly to avoid such situations (some seconds freezing). There is no point on this. Just click "stop" and load another instrument.

  • JuliusLC
    JuliusLC Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    Can you make some print-screens? for example the drop-down menus... it is impossible to not work!

    It is possible, it happens. When I bought Reaktor 6 some months ago my Native Access application was unable to detect my license, maybe it is something related to? I had to downgrade to a previous Native Access version to be able to install it, it took me some uninstall/install cycles (and a lot of time too). Was it Funny? Nope. I'm not sure why NI creates an app that can't read account values.

    Anyway, after reinstalling for the nth time, it's showing dropdowns again. The most funny part of this is that all these stuff never happened with Reaktor Player. I'll try to uninstall/reinstall again until the right combination of bugs don't bother me.

    No one does that, to load another instrument while DAW is playing! Exactly to avoid such situations (some seconds freezing). There is no point on this. Just click "stop" and load another instrument.

    I didn't wrote "STOPS PLAYING", I wrote "FREEZES". I can use keys to play in the background but interface is disabled for almost 60 seconds, that means no GUI activity, display update, fader movement, etc. That doesn't happens with Reaktor 5, and to be accurate with the reality, there's no problem in loading an ensemble while playing, but AGAIN it's not the case. The problem is that the INTERFACE GOES FROZEN, no matter what I'm doing with the song.

    (Reaktor 5.) It is very-very old and there is no benefit in using it, also you can not have both 5 and 6 on the same system.

    I have both, Reaktor 5 runs unauthorized, just demo mode, but enough to test, search presets and then load it in Reaktor 6.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,228 mod

    Reaktor 5 and 6 can both run on the same system with no problems, they're different products.

    Delays loading instruments are common, if you're playing a track while you're doing the load you could just stop it first. If you're not playing a track patience is your friend :)

    Not sure why you're extracting things from an installer rather than just installing using Native Access?

    Menus display OK here using Cubase - what DAW are you using? Also are your graphics drivers up to date? That's a common problem with bits of interfaces don't appear. Screenshots would probably help here.

    -- Mike

  • JuliusLC
    JuliusLC Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    Superfunky. I uninstalled Reaktor 6 but a pair of VST2 DLL stood in C:\Audio\VST64\#Modular

    Everything works fine now, but now Reaktor is not activated, they're probably old DLL's.

    (some minutes later)

    3rd today's reinstall. Finally, I found that the VST3 file has the problem. The VST2 version works fine, but i've lost all the song saved settings. Such an expected NI behaviour. Not the first time I put all my job into dirt thanks to bad NI preset management and inicompatibility between plugin versions.

    Holy crab. I stopped using Kontakt 18 years ago because of this.

    Not sure why you're extracting things from an installer rather than just installing using Native Access?

    Because these old things need an old Native Access version to be reinstalled, and I need no more messing with installers. Thanks anyway.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    @JuliusLC you can just delete those dll's in your C:\Audio\VST64\#Modular if they cause you problems.

    @mykejb what i meant is that having both R5 and R6 it doesn't serve any purpose because R6 can load any R5 ensemble, so practically it is useless to have both versions.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    There is a reason though.

    If you have old DAW projects that use R5, then you would want to keep R5 installed so you don't have to go and rework all those old projects, manually updating all the Reaktor plugin instances.

    Where problems sometimes seem to occur is folk uninstalling R5 because they don't know about this potential issue, then reinstalling to fix the problem, but their reinstall is different in some way - directories or whatever, so the reinstall partly works or not at all, then they fiddle around manually deleting, or extracting stuff, until they turn everything into a ******-show (we've all been there ;)), then blaming the company, instead of honestly accepting that they messed up ;)

    This is partly NIs fault though - if they were more communicative, users would immediately go online to find a solution instead of hacking away, and the forum would be checked by someone from NI with enough tech knowhow to actually help definitively. Things are better than they once were in this regard, but still behind some other vendors (not all though)


    Most common things are making sure there are no out of date dlls. particularly in different old directories that the DAW knows about, but the Reaktor installer doesn't (because it's a reinstall with different directories).


    Native access needs sorting out though, there are two 'current' versions that are not the same, the older one doesn't tell you that there is a newer alternative, and the newer one doesn't seem to work for everyone... IIRC installing R5 is possible with the latest one (Native Access 2), but not obvious, you have to dig around a bit to find it. You can't install R6.5 with the older Native Access... and for a few users the latest Native Access just doesn't seem to work properly...

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    There is a reason though.

    If you have old DAW projects that use R5, then you would want to keep R5 installed so you don't have to go and rework all those old projects, manually updating all the Reaktor plugin instances.


    Make sure there are no out of date Reaktor plugin dlls. particularly in different/old directories that the DAW knows about, but the Reaktor installer doesn't.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    That it is true. Yet i see no real value or benefit on it.

    Why someone would like to keep an old project as it was 15 years ago, unless it was something great that don't need to change? But in such case it would be a finished project, one that doesn't need to re-opened and re-worked again.

    For me, if a track is not get released (either commercially, either personally) in few years, it is most probably a rubbish that needs to be reworked. I still do have old tracks, some are from 1999! But i update them regularly, after few years of inactivity. It is simply means that my idea of that time it is not worthy enough.

    It happened 2 or 3 times, to released a track commercially, after almost 20 years from the day i wrote it! But it wasn't that "original" track anymore, though many of its basic elements were still there!

    You may say that it is just me, and other people might have a different opinion and you will be correct. But, after all, it is change that makes the Universe go round, not stagnation. Don't we all want the best we can achieve?

    Peace 🙏

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