since last Update many many Tracks losing their Stripes without reason

The Sarge
The Sarge Member Posts: 166 Helper

hi everybody,

it´s frustrating that TraktorPro3.10 is losing the stripes of many tracks, without warning, neither with reason made by me. Making a DJ-Set, switching to next track and BAM! again stripe´s gone 🤬

the longer i use traktor, the more i'm annoyed i didn't save money longer, because i strongly assume that Pioneer+Rekordbox doesn't have as many bugs and strange behavior as Traktor actual. and Blinking Displays?! can´t understand it anymore, and yes I was a so called NI-Fanboy since 2012 😥

Do you have the same problem with the stripes? if yes, how do you manage this?

would be nice if someone has an idea/workaround wse


The Sarge!

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