Can't connect Z1 to Traktor Pro 3

mozartmolla Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Anyone got any ideas about this

The Z1 will not connect properly to Traktor. I tried it out on a PC and it worked perfectly. All drivers / software were updated etc.

The MacBook uses USB C and I was using a hub to plug in - the X1 worked fine and I know power was going into the Z1 as the level LEDs lit up when connected.

Tried trouble shooting the connection by using a UDJ USB B to C cable in all ports of the the MacBook - still not working.

If anyone has got any ideas, I would really appreciate it - I've got gigs in Asia and I'm leaving next week - couldn't take my controller as it's too big to realistically take. Really only wanted to use the Z1 as an audio interface (back up in case some venues are a little rustic)




  • mozartmolla
    mozartmolla Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    screenshot of what's happening....

  • mozartmolla
    mozartmolla Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I got so pissed off with it, I've sent it back.

  • H4MMY
    H4MMY Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Looks like I have exactly the same issue and will also be sending it back. Very disappointing.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,857 Expert

    Do you use Mac OS 14? I have read reports that it works again with 14.1

  • mozartmolla
    mozartmolla Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Sonoma is think? The ok check later. Anyway I sent it back and used the newest x2 with a native audio interface. Used twice playing out (in Goa) and it works fine. No issues with heat / humidity

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,857 Expert

    Yes, people reported the z1 not working with Sonoma 14, but it came back with the 14.1 update.

    For the next time, I would advice AGAINST updating to latest mac OS version. Always wait a couple of weeks or month and check the forum. Especially if you have a gig :S A lot of DJ Software take some time to get verified.

  • CamillaSL
    CamillaSL Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I have just got a new Mac and needed to update to Traktor Pro 3 - my Z1 does not show up and I did all steps I could read - Z1 is not recognized.

    I am on Ventura 13.0.

    Can anybody help? Got a workshop this weekend...

  • mozartmolla
    mozartmolla Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Ouch Camilla sorry for can’t help I had a similar situation it with updated iOS

  • Grace Greuner
    Grace Greuner Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Have the same problem: my Traktor pro 3 software on my new Macbook Air (with Mac os Sonoma 14.2.) does not recognise my controller Z1, that I want to travel with now.

    Native Access is since days unable to load the products... therefore I have no way to check if I need a new controller editor. (which was the case for my Z3 controller!)

    what can I do?

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    @Grace Greuner Z1 definitely works on my M1 MBP and same OS. Tested it a few days ago and made a 4-deck mapping for it. Given you already check the cables, see if the controller editor recognizes the unit at all.

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