Maschine Studio or Maschine +. And Why ???

DIS-ONE Member Posts: 38 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I have both. The Maschine Studio and the Maschine plus. I find myself using the Studio more than the plus… mainly because I don’t need to use the shift button to access what I need to do.. Am I the only person who feels this way 😊…


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,774 Expert

    Probably not.

    But in my opinion the few things you spare to do with a shift button (in the end it’s only the few Edit buttons) are largely overpassed by the things a M+/MK3 gives you. Integrated audio interface, no need for power supply (USB powered, which means you can use it with a laptop without needing to be in an house with power outlets), dedicated buttons to switch pads behaviours (I use these much more than the edit buttons), more compact/ more portable, touch strip, direct access to lock states, better knobs,… And I could go on.

    Not to say that Studio needs shift anyway (also for things that on the others have dedicated buttons). And that on the Studio the shift functions are not all labeled, so you have to remember where they are.

    These are some reasons why I sold my Studio

    But…of course if the edit buttons (without shift), the big flat jog wheel and the meters are what you need, the Studio is the Maschine for you 😉

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    edited October 2023

    I prefer Studio to Maschine Mk3. I have the both, I use Studio at home and Mk3 when on move...

    I do like Jogwheel, no need for shift when editing and meterbridge and possibility to directly adjust volume. I would be happy if NI makes mk3 expansion unit that has those features. D-One has rendered vision of such a device.

    But Studio - M+ might be different story. If one really uses M+ standalone.

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