Getting those dirty, bouncy, chunky Boom Bap Drum sounds

KRS1's Nose
KRS1's Nose Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

First post, I'm about 8 months into MaschineMK3 and I'm just wondering if there was a preset or formula you find yourself drawn to, to get those dirty boom bap drum type sound. I know there's a lot of drum packs out there that are already chunky. Just wondering what ya'll are doing to bring those drums to the front while creating a raw bap feel and creating your own, i love the different engines myself MPC3000, SP, etc.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert


    There are many fxs that will help you achieve that.

    Compressors, maximizers,… will make you start on the good road (there are also plugins dedicated expressively to the drums).

    Also EQing the drums and the other instruments cutting the overlapping frequencies will “bring those drums to the front”

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    if using Maschine in plugin mode...

    you will always have more options to experiment with...

    try this if it can be achieved in your Daw of choice....

    load a kit that has patterns built in....

    decide for yourself which the 16 sounds within that kit you wish to group together...& now send these groups out through the ext outs (using the mixer view)to be routed into your Daw ext1/ext2/ext3 etc etc

    on the input side of your daw...bring the ext outs in through the DAWs tracks input...

    so whats essentially taking place here is basically (parallel processing)

    you are creating a external send from within maschine to your DAW... in which the dry sound can be received by multiple tracks simultaneously in your daw... each track of course can be fitted with different plugins... for varying degrees of FXprocessing..

    the single issue when doing this...aside from controlling multiple volumes & plugin parameters, is dealing with the summing of the audio... as every additional track introduced will increase the volume....

    phasing can also be an issue if plugin latency exists...

    setting up things like described above... really needs a DAW template

    some people dont go to this extreme... but thats whats possible!!

  • KRS1's Nose
    KRS1's Nose Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you 6xes...yes this is the way. Very inciteful!

  • Paul Opp
    Paul Opp Member Posts: 59 Member

    Make a loop/pattern and re-sample it at a different bit rate.

    NY style compression works great on my drums. Create a new group with a compressor and route the drum group audio to it. supercharger has a preset for drum slam. great starting point.

    ducking samples when the kick hits is also a golden technique.

    Keep experimenting

  • KRS1's Nose
    KRS1's Nose Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2023

    Hell yea! Ny compression!...what exactly do you mean by "ducking samples" when the kick hits? thx again.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2023
    • For that 90's sound drum selection is the #1 concern, mostly all drums are from 'breaks', real drums from real songs, so.. study that. Nowadays you can easily find most popular breaks pre packaged quite easily.
    • NY/Parallel compression, or just compression in general.
    • Transient shapers.
    • Distortion / Saturation.
    • Limiters.
    • Bit rate reduction (for crunch, sp1200 sort of emulation)
    • Drum Sample Layering.

    Some folks go to extremes like using mixing plugins that emulate popular hardware of the era, famous compressors, eq's, etc...

    He means side-chain compression, triggered by the kick, so when the kick hits something else gets quieter giving you the illusion that the kick is more powerfull. This is more of a modern approach as it wasn't really very popular in the 90's.

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