Why is my version of Komplete 13 Select being ignored in NI.com 'My Offers'?

LeeG Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 22 in Komplete General

Hi. I'm new here.

It has been such a long time since I attempted any form of Digital Music Production that I now consider myself to be a total newcomer. My first step was to buy the NI A49 keyboards and by chance I qualified for a time limited free upgrade to Komplete 13 Select. I'm so impressed with the Keyboards and NI software that I am already thinking about upgrading to the next version of Komplete. What I don't understand is why NI.com 'My Offers' is saying it will cost me £89 to upgrade to Komplete 13 Select, which I already own and have registered? Does this also mean that the price NI.com 'My Offers' is showing for me to upgrade to the next version is also ignoring the same fact?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Best Answer

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    Answer ✓

    It could just be a little hiccup with the page. Just checked directly the pricing page of the bundle you are interested in and you'll see what price you qualify for.


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    First, I assume you mean "Komplete Select 13" not "Kontak Select 13"... first thing to do is go to "My Products and Serials" in your account to make sure K13 Select is properly registered... and yes even if it is not "Officially Registered" you can download and use the software (kind of like being able to watch a TV without registering the warranty with the Manufacturer...🤪) If it (or any other products) show as unregistered, copy the listed S/N and register it through Native Access. A bonus may be that if it is not registered, it may trigger an E-Voucher from the "Select" purchase (No Guarantees!!!). If that is not the case and I have spouted on for nothing, you should contact Account and Order Support...the link is on the support page.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,058 Expert

    And have you entered SW Serial Number for Komplete 13 Select to Native Access? You will find the Serial Number at your NI User Account, or also it might come by email.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    Answer ✓

    It could just be a little hiccup with the page. Just checked directly the pricing page of the bundle you are interested in and you'll see what price you qualify for.

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