Maschine Software w/ S88 MK3 only?



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited September 2023

    And really the fans of Maschine might want to consider this..

    Had NI put the same dedicated Maschine buttons on the Kontrol SMK3, it becomes deterministic. It can stunt the evolution of Maschine as if NI had painted itself in a corner with these specific buttons and their labeling.

    Better to allow Maschine to evolve more freely towards becoming a better-featured "DAW" and accommodate it's integration on the Kontrol SMK3 as any other DAW.. using the DAW mode and existing DAW control section.

    And that's exactly what I expect will happen.

  • theonlymj
    theonlymj Member Posts: 7 Member

    @nightjar That's where I hope they're going. Perhaps they will abandon Maschine and come out with new hardware that supports a new full featured NI DAW as well as other popular DAWs. This would explain why the Kontrol doesn't have Maschine support. Or maybe it's all wishful thinking and they are just dropping the ball. Something tells me we'll find out soon enough.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    My guess is that NI has integration of new keyboards and SW. Just it is not Maschine 2. Why?

    Most probably, new "Maschine" SW is on the way..... And my guess is that it will be soon, within few weeks.

    After that, one may tell if these keys are missing, or not. It may show that there would be no use for them in new NI SW.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Yes.. I think you are on target with this theory.. time will tell.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    It looks Maschine is replaced by MataDAW of something sounding alike. There was a leak on reddit.

  • Duistere Bardo
    Duistere Bardo Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited September 2023

    I use Komplete Kontrol with Maschine all the time, and love the integration. But I have disabled user data sharing (I always do, just out of habit and because it has caused performance issues in the past).

    I completely understand the dedicated Maschine buttons are annoying when you don’t use them, and frankly, although I am not happy with it, I am not too concerned by the removal of these either. They are not the most important part of what makes the Maschine and Kontrol work well together. For me, the seamless mapping of the entire the Kontrol interface with Maschine software is what makes them such a great experience to use together. So what baffles me is not the removal of these few extra buttons, but the complete removal of Maschine integration at launch of the KK3. For me that’s just beyond comprehension.

    I understand anonymous user data can assist evaluation of user experience, but it can also lead to regressive designs. At first glance, it looks like the design of the KK3 is an example of this.

    Building great products for creatives primarily requires vision of great designers and engineers. User data is always secondary to that. It’s easy to imagine how letting user data dictate design choices can lead to a regressive product development strategy, where, with every iteration, features are removed until it is dumbed down and becomes useless for most creative expressions (but will still look ‘super cool’ in studios of YouTubers and on stage).

    If, while taking user data into consideration, the design of the new KK would have been led by a vision of how cross compatibility between Kontrol and Maschine could be improved, then it would have been expanded to address its apparent limited use in the previous iterations.

    This could even have been done while ensuring all buttons can be used and mapped in other DAWs. Looking at the current UIs of for example Logic Pro and Ableton, it would have even been easy to map the existing dedicated KK Maschine buttons to similar regions in these applications.

    It’s really puzzling and increasingly frustrating, but it looks like questionable marketing choices are more and more limiting the hardware and software of NI, to the extend that I am less and less enticed to buy new products from them, as much as I have loved them in the past.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited September 2023

    Completely agree with practically the whole post.

    In my opinion, the reasoning behind the choices made for the new keyboard is easy: they sat down at a table and thought “which functions of Komplete Keyboards make us sell more products?”. And the answer was easy: NKS.

    NKS is what will make keyboards owners buy other NI libraries, to profit from their tight integration. Or buy third party NKS instruments, which will keep users inside NI ecosystem anyway.

    Users that use Komplete keyboards with Maschine are in any case Maschine owners too. And this is enough to make them buy the expansions, no need for the keyboard integration to push you in that black hole.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,305 mod

    Absolutely this - I own a A49 and this hasn't the extra buttons and works well without them with maschine, so the MK3 with it's screen should be able to do the same and even better with the screen. I use the keyboard not that often with maschine but if i do it is great to have the parameters parallel on the 8 knobs of maschine and the keyboard + the browsing of sounds and transport.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper
  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Maybe, maybe not. I use it to write (my bastardization of) classical and orchestral

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper

    Bringing the browsing functionality back may be as simple as a software update. I’d be happy to see that, I have the Original S25, and could use an upgrade

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 214 Helper
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