How do I automate parameters forom Blocks in Ableton?

samuel Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor


I have been playing around with some blocks synthesizers and they are really fun, but I would like to automate some of the parameters in Ableton. In normal Reaktor ensembles, fiddling with a know usually makes it appear as a parameter that can be automated in Ableton in the drop-down menu, but when I fiddle with a know in a Blocks ensemble, it doesn't appear. Any ideas on how to do this?


  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Which Block? which knob? is it an ensemble or a rack? what fiddling?

  • samuel
    samuel Member Posts: 19 Member

    It is this synth from the user library Super Genius by Brett Lavallee. I can't post the link but you can find it in the user library.

    The ADC at the bottom left is one I want to control but it would be great to be able to automate all parameters

  • Brett Lavallee
    Brett Lavallee Member Posts: 27 Member

    Hi, and I’m glad you’re enjoying super genius. This is an Ableton issue, because Ableton can only make use of a certain amount of instrument IDs. Click the block (the instrument itself, not any of the individual graphic parts or controls.) Go to the connect tab and scroll down to automation. In ID actions click “instrument up” until the base ID is under 1000.

  • samuel
    samuel Member Posts: 19 Member

    Thank you for being active! It's cool to talk to the creator directly.

    Now: I am having some trouble: I go in edit view, go to the connect tab, and there I can do ID actions instrument up. But the Max ID is 100 and Max ID in use is 6. When I do instrument up in the menu, nothing changes. When I check the menu in Ableton, I still only see device on as the only automation parameter.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    If you click on the connect tab in edit mode and on one of the knobs you want to automate you should see an ID number for that knob and a toggle to turn exposing automation to the host on/off. If it is off turn it on, if the ID number is too high then check what automation numbers the other params have and choose a lower number that is not one already being used. A smallish ensemble should not usually need more than 128

  • Brett Lavallee
    Brett Lavallee Member Posts: 27 Member

    Sounds like you’re in the super genius ensemble’s connect tab. You want to select the ADC block itself, and go to its connect tab instead. You’ll see the base ID is 1425, that’s what you want below 1000.

  • samuel
    samuel Member Posts: 19 Member

    That did the trick! Thank you very much. Now back to fiddling around :-)

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