iZotope Music Production Suite 6 released..

nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

So much happening this week!

iZotope Music Production Suite 6 has 3 new things.. Ozone 11 Advanced, Nectar 4 Advanced and Guitar Rig 7 Pro:

Hope all the account merging gets sorted out.. and proper Loyalty Discounts get calculated for those of us who already own Music Production Suite 5.

New features look cool... hope there is enhanced NKS implementation.



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,226 mod

    I bought 5.2 just a month ago - hope there is a grace period

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru
    edited September 2023

    I find it amazing that we're hearing about NI products first on Izotope, that the video file that's supposed to play for GR7 doesn't work, and that there is little to no information about GR7 Pro.

    I love the NI ecosystem, but with a lot happening, it seems like there's a lack of cohesion.

    Personally, I'd also ask, why we'll have a reason to upgrade to GR7 Pro. If it's just new models, I'll be honest, I won't be upgrading. That should be an update.

    I'm having to guess at what the update is, because there's no information.

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    I wasn't expecting all of this to happen, but I'm of course very satisfied with the announcement. Fingers crossed for Guitar Rig 7 Pro and the (there is a tear is my left eye) Loop Machine Pro...

  • defyosef
    defyosef Member Posts: 38 Helper


    Hope all the account merging gets sorted out.. and proper Loyalty Discounts get calculated for those of us who already own Music Production Suite 5

    Checked with MPS 5.1 and it does not look like there's a reasonable loyalty offer at this point - only select single product upgrades.

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    It's indeed strange that both platforms/websites aren't aligned and a lot of info ins't ther yet. I'm also waiting for the exact details, but I will definitely upgrade as the Looper returns after 2,5 years! It should be free for a few of us on this forum, haha, but I'm glad there is a new version and it's still a focus product for Izotope/NI. Finally some clarity!

  • holonology
    holonology Member Posts: 84 Helper
    edited September 2023

    Interesting. I noticed the other day that there seemed to be some "behind the scenes" stuff going on at iZotope where I couldn't access deals, which then re-appeared. It looks as though payments is unified but the actual accounts are not linked. Seems like this was in preperation for Production Suite 6. I suspect that full unification would be a next step in time for Komplete 15 maybe?

    Interestingly, my Ozone 10 (part of Komplete Standard) was registered within Native Access, but Nectar (part of Komplete Ultimate) is registered with a code via izotope.com. Ozone currently shows up as a demo in my izotope portal, but Nectar is a full product. Again, I imagine this will take a bit of unpicking at NI HQ, but it would be nice to see it all in one place - but all in good time.

    @Wouter De Muynck - I would be so surprised to see this not be a priority. From a branding perspective, Izotope has a very clear offer that is different to NI, but also complements it perfectly. In my head I always think NI = start a song, iZotope = finish a song. They would be mad to mess too much with that.

    What's interesting about this launch is that I see nothing yet on the NI website itself about Guitar Rig 7. This, I believe would be the first time a Native Instruments native product has been sold first via another brand? I think based on the thought about what each brand is "for" can give an answer. If iZotope becomes the store for mixing and mastering they would take control of all the current NI/PB effects, and they would not be sold via NI. This frees up NI to have a more focussed range of VSTs and sample libraries. 🤔

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    I have a Loyalty offer of $229 for MPS 6 upgrade from MPS 4 or 5.

    Some compelling things in Nectar 4 that might have me pull the trigger before presumed Black Friday deals..

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    @holonology , I agree with your point of view, but NI left all the questions about roadmap/looper/... unanswered with a lot of frustration and a decrease in forum activity on the GuitarRig FX section. Apparently a lot was happening in the background, but I'm afraid some damage has been done. Hopefully confidence will raise and customers will find their way back, but of course I need to know the details of the new version.

    As a Komplete user, I'm also curious about the upgrade path for GR7 Pro. My NI account isn't working on Izotope's, this is a of course a complex exercise to make which will become clearer the next days/weeks.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru
    edited September 2023

    So I've just checked out the detail on GR7 Pro, and to be honest, it's not enough for me to upgrade (I have a £89 upgrade offer).

    The problem is, I already owned GR5 Pro (purchaed seperately), and GR6 Pro via Komplete Ultimate CE. I bought MPS 5.1 from Izotope on March 3rd (£222 loyaly upgrade). I would not be expecting to pay for this upgrade - it should reasonably be expected to be part of KUCE.

    I nearly used the F word - that's how underwhelmed I am. Izotope asking for half price six months later, and although NI offer me a reasonable upgrade, the features don't equal value for me.

    Just some feedback for NI - some of us spend a lot; but that doesn't mean we spent without thinking.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor


    For a new user looks good. Not for an owner of Komplete 14 and Izotope MPS 5. Very frustrating…

    Ozone 10 was released in September 2022… 11 in just 1 year? Really? How this is different from subscription model? If I’m going to pay for owning it every year, it’s cheaper just to subscribe and don’t buy :) it is not even a major update… seems to be just a few new modules

    same for GR7… things promised to be added in 6 freely are sold as 7 paid… but it’s not a major update at all… just a few modules (6.5?)

    Nectar 4… Yes, this one looks good. But I don’t want to invest more into these tools for a few years now… to see what happens next :)

  • moai
    moai Member Posts: 56 Member

    This Guitar Rig 7 should be 6.5 😅

  • lairyboy
    lairyboy Member Posts: 2 Member

    Underwhelming indeed. Ozone 10 took 3 years and then 11 is suddenly rushed out in a year. And no sweeteners for komplete 14 ce owners, that make the NI effects a redundant part of the package.

  • gviio
    gviio Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited September 2023

    Upgraded to MPS 5.2 just 15 days ago for $150.

    So I think I’ll pass on the $229 “loyalty offer”.

    Besides - knowing Izotope, they’ll come out with MPS 6.1 in a couple of weeks with RX11 standard for more money. After all, this is a venture capital company now.

    What’s funny about this is: K14 still sells with Ozone 10 standard and GR6. I get that new Kontakt instruments between versions end up in the next Komplete version, but this is software. Why would anyone buy say K14 ultimate or UCE for the next year or two knowing it comes with old software?

  • Scoops
    Scoops Member Posts: 78 Member
    edited September 2023


    I own the IZ everything bundle, and this is the price break for a subset of the everything bundle?

    Gimme a break

    BTW, I have multiple tickets in for getting my account to read properly in IZ. Can't see my history or apps

    Nothing but crickets, and it been almost a week.

    And now you want to charge me big time while my account flounders.

    What kind of service is that?

    Good thing I started to switch over to FF

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