Playback distortion



  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2023

    Dont put your email on a public forum my friend, you will get tons of phishing scams, spam, etc... I censured it.

    Refunds and such are handled by the official support via ticket, you wont get that on a user forum, so if you really want a refund then contact them.

    A 50K intel Mac Pro wouldn't make much of a difference if I understand this issue properly, I really think it's a bug since it works fine on my M1.

    It doesn't work on a M+ standalone Mode, the list of available instruments for the M+ is on the product page. Given it's standalone nature and computer it cant have everything you can have while using a normal computer... Or the M+ would have to be 5 times the price.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru

    Haven't seen anyone mention it, but for me it seems like often playback with pops and scratches can usually be resolved by increasing the sample length. Does that make any difference in this case?

    That being said, if the same plugins are working fine on ARM but no x86-64 then it clearly seems like an optimization issue. Just figured I would ask in case is was a viable short-term workaround.

    I agree though, there's quite a few plugins that could stand to be refactored.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2023

    @reffahcs Haven't seen anyone mention it, but for me it seems like often playback with pops and scratches can usually be resolved by increasing the sample length. Does that make any difference in this case?

    I never experienced or heard about any of that. Unless you're talking about buffer size? If that's the case yes, buffer size helps diminish CPU load but also increases latency, that is how all audio in all types of computers works.

    Not related to this issue as I tried with sensible buffer sizes that I know my computer can handle.

  • Justin Evans
    Justin Evans Member Posts: 39 Member

    Hi yah tried everything, expanding buffer size etc works great fora while then CPU overload and distortion. You can only get a stable 4 voice if that on the track out of 10 voice with the I9.

    NI also closed my current ticket because I either didn't anwser in time or was in spam so have to open another, regards Justin

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    @Justin Evans

    NI also closed my current ticket because I either didn't anwser in time or was in spam so have to open another, regards Justin

    I'll try to get in touch with someone from the Kontakt side to see what they say, cant make much promises but I'll try.

  • Justin Evans
    Justin Evans Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks maschine died after latest update and after rebuilding from last time so was working perfectly until updated lol

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Well thats a separate issue, I suggest a thread for each one otherwise it's impossible to keep up and know what we are talking about.

  • Justin Evans
    Justin Evans Member Posts: 39 Member

    Yes trust me I tried everything thing and it won't work. In the end NI told me to use track as a recording but what NI doesn't understand is you really can't precisely quatize a recording on a unique set of cord patterns. Yes it's great for the drum style ones but the sequencer and sample editor needs to improve so that things can be adjusted accordingly. In other words, it's like trying to move or quantization on a half of a half note. Or loop cut and paste a sample you can't move back enough or forward enough due to the limitations of maschine sequencer. And yes I tried everything there as well. In the end I used a third party sound. Also it sort of along the lines on how hard it is to make triplet kick on drums, sequencer hasn't improved on that as well to my knowledge. Regards Justin

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    Regarding Phairlight, I asked around and I don't have good news. Apparently, it's an "it is what is" type of deal for all the 'light' plugins based on Granular synthesis. This is not an official answer tho....

    4 Chords with 4-note polyphony result in a 300/400 polyphony, because each 'grain' of the granular synthesis engine counts as a voice, so you get insane polyphony numbers quick with chords, longer release = a bigger problem, so some presets rekt the CPU real fast... A single preset can take up to 60% CPU in my case.

    This still does not explain why if you load several instances until it breaks the audio/cpu, then delete the extra ones the last one will remain broken, persistent on project saves until you reload the preset, then it works normally again. This is a Bug IMO 😑

    So, I guess you were right, this class of Instruments is not meant for Chords... 🤷‍♂️

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