How Do I Get Kontakt 7 to Work with Pro Tools

rudolpar Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I just downloaded the most recent files for Kontakt and over 100 VSTs from NI that I've purchased. I can't seem to get any of them to work on Pro Tools. I had installed the latest version of Pro Tools as well, just before installing the NI plug-ins. Pro Tools plug-ins do load and work in a session. NI plug-ins do not.

Unfortunately this is the second time this has happened. Last month this occurred after I completed the very same steps I described above. Then I factory-reset the PC. Then redownloaded all the software. Same issue.

In Pro Tools, I can find the desired plug-ins. I click on them and the plug-in loads. When I use MIDI, nothing works only with NI plug-ins. I try clicking around some and then the project freezes and I get an error-box asking me to restart Pro Tools, exit Pro Tools, or wait for the program. But this is only occurring with NI plug-ins.

Pro Tools version: Pro_Tools_2023.3.0_Win

NI version: most recent downloaded through NI Access app.

Using Windows 10.

Any thoughts? What do I try next?


Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    @rudolpar If you choose the Kontakt 7 mono/stereo plug-in do you also get these crashes?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    There are some issues with Kontakt 7 and mono multiple outputs, crashes that happen when using send/aux effects of Kontakt. ProTools always gives a selection of plug-ins, mono, stereo, etc...but some have no real reason to exist, there is not a mono Kontakt plug-in to begin with. I guess it's the why!


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    What about Kontakt in standalone? Is it working as expected? When in Pro Tools, if you open the Kontakt's window, and you play the on screen keyboard, do you get sound?

    What MIDI keyboard / controller are you using? What if you set it to MIDI channel 1? Maybe this can be helpful: Configuring your MIDI Keyboard / Controller in KONTAKT

    I try clicking around some and then the project freezes and I get an error-box asking me to restart Pro Tools, exit Pro Tools, or wait for the program. 

    Where do you click around exactly? Can you post a screenshot of the error message?

  • rudolpar
    rudolpar Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Huh! Kontakt in standalone is working seamlessly. I am using Native Instrument's Komplete M32 for the midi controller. When I open Pro Tools Studio to begin using Kontakt with all programs, for example: Studio Drummer, Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass, and Massive, the program now starts playing and I can trigger notes using MIDI, but the program keeps crashing. I have factory reset my PC this month, with almost all date being on external hard drives, except for DAW-related information stored on the computer. I'm not sure what is overwhelming software like Kontakt, but these projects I am testing the software on have no other channels, inserts, or live instrument channels on the projects. So, the sessions shouldn't be overloaded or anything. Any thoughts on what could be crashing the program? It runs for up to one minute, and then crashes every time, especially as I toggle between different sound presets.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    @rudolpar Do you use any multiple output configuration for Kontakt? When you say you use the M32, are you opening Kontakt tracks or Komplete Kontrol tracks?

  • rudolpar
    rudolpar Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    This is my view of what I'm selecting. Please forgive me, but I'm not sure what the difference is between a Kontakt track is (assuming that this is a track which selects the Kontakt 7 plug-in as appears in this above screenshot), versus a Komplete Kontrol track. How do I created a Komplete Kontrol track, instead of just a Kontakt track? Is this possibly what I've been doing wrong?

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Komplete Kontrol is optional. Testing without it until this is resolved is probably better.

    Not sure how experienced you are, so I guess we have to ask if all drivers are installed and the correct one(s) are being used in ProTools. Free Cakewalk or other DAWS would be an option for testing.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    @rudolpar If you choose the Kontakt 7 mono/stereo plug-in do you also get these crashes?

  • rudolpar
    rudolpar Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I can't believe it, it worked! Why does it work with Kontakt 7 mono/stereo and not others? Now I certainly know what to do and I am so very thankful! What is the why behind that?

    When do I use Kontakt (mono), Kontakt (mono/stereo), Kontakt (mono/5.1), Kontakt 7 (mono), Kontakt 7 (mono/stereo), Kontakt 7 (mono/5.1)? What are the different use cases? If there is an existing article on this, feel free to send a link to something existing too. But this fascinates me.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    There are some issues with Kontakt 7 and mono multiple outputs, crashes that happen when using send/aux effects of Kontakt. ProTools always gives a selection of plug-ins, mono, stereo, etc...but some have no real reason to exist, there is not a mono Kontakt plug-in to begin with. I guess it's the why!

  • rudolpar
    rudolpar Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    This was so helpful, thank you greatly!

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