How to activate discontinued products? (Battery 2, FM7 and so on)

catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper
edited October 2024 in Komplete General


I want to revive/work on old DAW projects and need to install and activate older NI plugins like Battery 2. How can i do that?

Thanks in advance


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Is Native Instruments currently looking into any other solutions for affected customers?

    Yes, in specific cases we might be able to provide at-your-own risk support for our end-of-life products. We can’t promise anything at this point and technical feasibility needs to be evaluated. We will share more information about this as soon as possible.

    I would ask Support to allow you to do authorisation using Service Center offline.

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper

    Thanks @Kubrak

    What a mess. They should have avoided it by updating older plugins to work with NA.

    I think i'll try to contact support. But this is so unprofessional. They should just provide copy protection free versions via NI account or whatever solution. I'm very dissatisfied.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    It is not technically possible to install/authorise old plugins using NA2. NA2 supports Win10 and later, I guess. And few latest Apple OS versions. Plugins would not run/install on those versions of OSes, need older ones.

    Maybe NA, that has worked on Win7 and probably a bit older versions of Apple OS than NA2. But still it might be too new OS for given plugins....

    I guess, NI should have maintained offline Service Center authorisation. Be at your position, I would have demanded at least that.

    You are right, that NI could have provided copy protection free versions. But maybe licence contracts with authors do not allow that.....

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