Maschine MK1 software.

koolki Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I'm a user of maschine in Korea.

I don't use maschine for a long time and decided to reuse this gear. Used MPC and op-1 before.

First, I installed native access, midi controller editor, machine driver and registered my serial for maschine mk1 but, theres no available maschine software in my library.

Second, When I turn my pc on my maschine got lights on for seconds and turned off again. I open ableton live 11 but there's no selection for maschine in preference>control surfaces.

In this case, according to some of the writings I found: It needs to pay for upgrade maschine software($99). If I don't pay for that, I can't use maschine both native mode(maschine software) and midi controller mode(ableton live 11).

Is it right?

Thank you for your reply.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Well…no…it should not be right. You should be able to use your Maschine MK1 with its original software (Maschine 1) and as a midi device. You should pay for the upgrade only if you are interested in Maschine 2 software.

    Unless NI has done another of its obscure moves…

    Did you notice how many time I had to use “should”? 😔

    Try to download the software from here and see what happens:

  • koolki
    koolki Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited August 2023

    Thank you LostInFoundation.

    It's what I want..but..

    I'm looking for maschine 1 software in that page you gave me but can't find it. There are only legacy update files.

    They says, "All updates are only available via Native Access" but my Native Access library got no maschine 1 software...

    Native Instruments is really unkind to older generation users.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓

    Haven’t you tried to install one of the 1 updates in that page? Latest one is 1.8.2

    I don’t know what is gonna happen, but maybe installing this and having MK1 registered in NA will do the trick…worth a try.

    Oh…and check also in your account in NI web site under My Products and Serials what you have listed there (if you see only the MK1 or if there is also the serial for software v1…maybe under unregistered and you have to add it to NA).

    Open also a ticket wit support and explain them you own a MK1 but you don’t see the software bundled with it)

    If nothing works for you, contact me in private: I have a couple of unregistered serials for Maschine 2 I can make for a cheap price to avoid you spending too much…even because 99$ is the price for the update…and if you don’t have version 1 in your account it will probably not allow you to use the update. And NI will probably ask you more than this for the full software (IF they even sell you the full version…). Or contact me even if in the end you manage to install v1 but you are interested anyway in having v2 ☺️.

    Yes, I do agree: NI is playing dirty tricks not allowing to use what users already have and force them to buy the newest things, even when somebody would be ok to use what he already paid for…😔

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert

    I see you are very fast to read ☺️ check again my last post: I added a couple infos about checking your account in NI web site

  • koolki
    koolki Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Very Thank you @Lostinart@LostInFoundation .

    When I try to install 1.8.2, the message shows "No previous installation found. Please run the full product installer before running this update installer."

    And then I try to log in Native Access to install full product, there is nothing.

    But the serial for maschine mk1 surely registerd.

    I don't know what the hell they're thinking..I just want to throw it away.

    But your comment was very helpful. I'll get in touch you soon.

    Really Thank you bro.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,904 Expert
    edited August 2023

    You’re welcome

    This is their problem: when you have to deal with how the “new” NI manage things…yes, you want to throw them away… but then you start using Maschine and what the people that were there before created…and…it’s so nice….grrrr

  • koolki
    koolki Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @LostInFoundation Hey there, my friend. I've come to realize a solid fact. To use the Maschine mk1, I have to pay $99 – that's the truth. Unconscionably, Native Instruments no longer supports the mk1 device. Despite having paid a fair price to purchase it, I'm now required to pay more to continue using it. I've gone through the hassle of installing the Maschine software (managed to find the CD), Native Access, NTK Demon, Control Editor, Maschine Driver, and Service Center (which used to be used), but ultimately, the Maschine software won't activate correctly, even after registering the correct serial number. NI has put up barriers. I've attempted to reach out about this issue to, but they never respond – same as a year ago, same as now. Instead of paying the unjustifiable $99 to NI, I considered paying a bit more to use an alternative, and I've come to realize that my decision to switch to Akai and Teenage Engineering, avoiding NI products that fall short in various aspects, was the right one. Thanks for the information and insights. I won't come back here now, but I hope to meet you again elsewhere.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    @koolki We have a dedicated support section, this email has nothing to do with support. To get in touch with our installation specialists it's here:

  • SimonK_55
    SimonK_55 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I'm in the same boat too, I have a Maschine Mikro Mk I, it appears to be working correctly with my new Acer Nitro V16 gaming laptop, I've got the Maschine Mikro Mk I plugged into the laptop right now and it is powered up and etc, here's my problem, I used to have the Maschine 2 software available amongst all my other software in Native Access 2, that comes bundled with the Maschine Mikro Mk I, but it's not in the software library now for some weird reason, and I've tried looking for the Maschine 2 software in the Legacy Downloads section, no luck at all, looks like Native Instruments wants me to pay another Au$220.00 or so for the updated Maschine 2 software.

  • SimonK_55
    SimonK_55 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Okay, I just bought the Maschine 2.0 software update, got it installed, but when I enter the serial for the software I get this message

    "Your account is missing the base product for this serial"

    So, apparently, I need the original Maschine 2 software that worked with my Maschine Mikro Mk I to be installed first, before I can activate the Maschine 2.0 software update with the serial I was given after I paid the Au$149.00 Native Instruments wanted for the update, so, what do I do if I wasn't able to install the original Maschine 2 software, because it wasn't available for download in Native Access?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    @SimonK_55 I quickly checked your account and there is no serial for a Maschine Mikro MK1 or a Maschine 2.0 update registered to your account. Please contact our registration support agents so they can sort it out for you:

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