Maschine software improvements

Olivier57 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello all,

  • Maschine like a real DAW
  • VST/VSTi Routing (asked hundreds of times) ๐Ÿ˜
  • Piano roll improvements
  • Preserve piano roll zoom when navigating to different groups/Sounds
  • Focus on the audio playback bar when zooming in the piano roll and song windows
  • Drag/drop VSTi content from one group/sound to another group/sound
  • Improved display of drop-down menus๐Ÿ˜
  • Improved automation curve editing

I think that all these features and everybody's else's will not be implemented quickly because NI wants to preserve its ecosystem as much as possible, and that's normal. This is why a generalist DAW would question Maschine hardware. However, the number of Maschine users is large enough for NI to be more attentive to the demands of its users. I understand this can be complicated and it's not just Maschine at NI.๐Ÿ˜‰




  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,929 admin
    edited August 2023

    Thanks for sharing @Olivier33

    Logging this for the team ๐Ÿ‘

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 138 Advisor
    edited August 2023

    @Kaiwan_NI have NI really started accepting feature requests for implementation, or its just usual way of NI's (no-)communications? In former case you dont need to log anything new - just implement 50% of requested features from old forums list.

    Oops, sorry. Seems its about Maschine, not Maschine+

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited August 2023

    Multitracking and a better EQ with spectrum display could replace most of what I use a DAW for (Bitwig & Studio One).

    I try to stay in Maschine as long as possible because of the hardware integration puts soo much at my finger tips that using Maschine is a delight. The fun decreases as soon as I move my tracks into a DAW, it feels more like software and less like an instruments. If I could stay in Maschine I would but I need multitrack and a more informative better EQ in mixing.

  • Olivier57
    Olivier57 Member Posts: 9 Member


    The Maschine hardware is perfect. Let's hope that NI will finally listen to its users regarding the software.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro

    Not sure if it's hardware or software related but I'm still clinging to the hope that the much requested after touch support will 1 day be forthcoming. Why does my lovely S mk2 keyboard have after touch but my Maschine 2 software doesn't let me use it? Works in Komplete Kontrol, works in Ableton Live, works with Arturia Analogue Lab in stand alone mode. Load any vst in Maschine, computer says no.

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