Are Midi Remote Scripts for Komplete Keyboards and Maschine in Cubase Planned

Greg2 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Many manufacturers of keyboards and controls either have or have planned Midi Remote scripts for Cubase. What are Native Instruments plans? If so when might we expect them? This would save quite a bit of effort for Native Instrument customers also using Cubase.

Best Answer



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    What would it give over the current way of setting up the keyboard which offers transport and track control already without the need for a dedicated script? Not sure there are any plans for a remote script since things are working as is.

  • Greg2
    Greg2 Member Posts: 8 Member

    MIDI Remote is new functionality in Cubase 12. No Native Instruments products are listed in the available scripts. We have basic functionality today with Komplete, but more is possible. MIDI Remote allows mapping of all buttons and knobs to Cubase functions in a way that can greatly enhance workflows. Search on Cubase 12 MIDI Remote to see what is possible.

  • Roland Kirst
    Roland Kirst Member Posts: 14 Member

    I also was disapointed, that NI was not in the list of already support equipment. I actually expected this from one of the market leaders. I hope NI will see this as an urgent task to provide those scripts. Looking forward to this!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey there,

    There is already a dedicated remote script, taking care of transport, mixer and other functions of Cubase, as you can see here:

    How to Integrate KOMPLETE KONTROL with Your DAW

    For a detailed list of all controls and functions, please consult your keyboard's manual. You can find the list in the chapter "Host Integration":

    Or do you mean you would like even more options ?

  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 78 Member

    I have programmed the Quick control on the V.Pot of the Komplete Kontrol S61 MKII in Midi setup. Work very well.

  • billcarroll
    billcarroll Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2022

    @Jeremy_NI In Cubase 12 there is no longer a "dedicated remote script, taking care of transport, mixer and other functions of Cubase."

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    I would suggest watching @jef’s video on setting up your own Midi Remote panel for Maschine. It is actually super simple and the you can customize it to your own taste/workflow. I set mine up while watching the video and it took about a hour total. I left a couple of buttons “unlinked” for future use/tweaking.

    @jef does a great job explaining the nuances that he and @nico5 uncovered…

  • billcarroll
    billcarroll Member Posts: 4 Member

    @Blindeddie Thanks for the help and the video. Unfortunately, unlike Machine, with the KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 MK2 you can't use the NI Controller Editor application, you have to use standalone Komplete Control. Through Komplete Control 2.6.7 (R1) there is no access to transport buttons, octaves, etc.

    I can get Cubase 12 Quick Controls mapped, and I can assign buttons to do things like open the channel settings editor and the instrument on the current channel, but no luck on things like Play, Record, Stop, Loop, Octave Up or Down. Maybe someone else has figured out transport control mapping from the KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 MK2 to Cubase 12?

    Before posting any of this, I Searched my Mac for the the old control script and could not find it.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Sorry for the confusion, but it's funny, in your screenshot there are no entries for NI in the devices list, but for me (on Windows) I see devices for "Komplete Kontrol A/M Series" and "Komplete Kontrol S Series" (see screenshot)... Wondering why those are not available on Mac...

    My M32 got set up automatically right out of the box... Maybe a Query for Steinberg as to why they are not available on Mac???

    Edit, options on my device list looks different because I only have Cubase 12 LE

  • billcarroll
    billcarroll Member Posts: 4 Member

    @Blindeddie I asked in the Steinberg forums and the moderator and others seem to think these scripts are installed by NI with Komplete Control. I'm not convinced since I've had Komplete Control installed and it is up to date. No KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series scripts anywhere to be found.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert


    OK, I can confirm that on Windows, the latest version of Komplete Kontrol installed the script/integration files (on windows they are actually .dll files) for the Cubase integration...I originally thought it was installed by Steinberg, because they are installed to a folder called "Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\shared components". I tested this by uninstalling KK, then removing the folder listed above (which was not automatically uninstalled by NI) after reinstall of KK, the "Integration" files were installed with todays date.

    So @Jeremy_NI, Could you check with the KK team to see if the Integration Files for Mac are no longer included in the Installer, if so, why? or if they are included, then inform them that Cubase 12 on Mac is no longer recognizing those files and KK integration is gone.

  • billcarroll
    billcarroll Member Posts: 4 Member

    @Blindeddie I completely uninstalled Komplete Kontrol and reinstalled, and the original legacy script showed up. Now I have basic keyboard functions working again with my KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 MK2.

    Thanks for your help 

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Glad you got it sorted... Thought it was kind of strange that they would remove "Just" the Mac KB scripts... Anyway, @Jeremy_NI, please ignore my previous query as this mystery has been solved!!!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    Hey @Roland Kirst @Greg2 As said before, there is already a deep integration of Komplete Kontrol keyboards with Cubase. I understand that Cubase 12 introduces a new level of integration and customisation, and that this is what you are asking about. It is not planned to update the integration in the near future, or to introduce it for Maschine MK3.

  • Roland Kirst
    Roland Kirst Member Posts: 14 Member

    Sorry Jeremy, the current integration is already marked as "Legacy" in Cubase 12. If you like to see a super sexy and extremely functional new integration have a look at the out of the box scripts for the Keylab Essentials series. You can also watch this in the video . Here you will see the difference. I hope that NI as one of the keyplayers in this market will support their customers with a well done integration in Cubase also in the future!

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