Which interface is better?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    windows is prone to BSOD's occurring at the most irregular times... and is one of the oddities you can expect to occur at least a couple of times a year...

    Well, I run several Win computers, say 15/7. They run most of the time. And I haven't had BSOD for years. And even before that, I used to have hardly one BSOD a year per computer.

    If there is BSOD often, it mostly means that there are HW related problems with computer. Either some kind of problem with HW (mostly GPU, USB) or with its driver. It is very hard to impossible to cause BSOD for 'normal' user application. Yes, it may crash, but hardly, if ever cause BSOD.

    So, if there is frequent BSOD, it is not problem with Win, but with computer HW. Maybe corrupted driver file due to problem with disc.... Or bad timing of circuitry that may be for example temperature dependent.... Or failure of RAM. Again, it may be temperature dependent....

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    BSOD is not oddity and it's wrong attitude to expect BSOD from system. BSOD means there is a serious problems with drivers or hardware.

    Unix systems (MacOS for example) has kernel panic for the same reason.

    OP try to check what driver caused BSOD:


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    attitude has little to do with BSOD's...

    the simple fact that BSOD's can occur at any time... makes it an oddity.

    BSOD's can be caused by a range of factors... the least of them being anything to do with attitude.. but if you want to make a song and dance about it... be my guest!! :P

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited August 2023

    BSOD cannot occur at any time just randomly. It is not a Russian roulette. It occurs when some specific conditions are met. Yes, in THEORY there is a miniscule chance what some cosmic ray (Yes, this is a real thing) will flip some 0 to 1 or vice versa in computers RAM and operating system will call critical system error out of nothing. But this is VERY rare case scenario. Main reason for BSOD - drivers and hardware problems. And BlueScreen viewer application in my link, will show which driver caused the BSOD to show up. Let's wait for OP to paste the screenshot. My stakes are on audio drivers.

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