Maschine Midi mode... LED colouring of the banks

6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
edited October 2024 in Maschine

On the off chance someone has knowledge of this...

im desiring to change the LED colours of the Banks on my Maschine Jam... both the top Row 1,2,3,4 etc and also the touch-strip banks A,B,C,D,E etc... as this is not possible inside the controller editor currently.... does anyone have any knowledge or know how regarding how to colour the LED's regarding Banks..


  • EP.
    EP. Member Posts: 47 Member

    i dont think you can

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited August 2023

    i figured this out!!

    and it seems to work... ill have to do some more tests to find out how practical the MCU mode is, and how well it implements banks etc with Realearn in reaper, but you can change the colours on the banks...

    but it may come with some draw backs... i'll know more as i test things!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited August 2023

    This is how i see it with the Maschine Jam and MCU mode that needs to be active, so that the bank colours can be changed.

    when activating MCU mode, it essentially locks the banks... but the bank buttons effectively become CC/note buttons, whilst the bank is locked....

    almost as though you turned off the matrix pages,touchstrip pages and the input/level pages(in/grp/mast/hphnes), however you can trigger a midi message(CC/Note) assigned while in MCU mode & upon pressing the bank button... which can trigger an automation of sorts(.AHK) to press unlock for all the locked bank pages in the controller, then changing the banks relock the bank pages and return back into MCU mode with everything updated...

    whats interesting is i have seen the Lua code inside the apple show contents/resources/helper folders on my m1mac that likely deal with this switching of pages etc... something you might be familiar with @D-One ???


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited August 2023

    Interesting... I dont have a Jam so I don't quite follow everything 100%, this is what I gathered looking at Controller Editor:

    So both the Group button row and the top ones can't be MIDI Mapped in regular templates, but are used in MCU/Nackie Mode so enabling those templates enables those buttons for some customization... But once you enable Pages the buttons are disabled again.

    I find this very odd, I never had an NI controller that behaves like this, why didn't they just let people map everything? @6xes If you go to Controller Editor Preferences with the Jam connected arent there any HW options for this?

    whats interesting is i have seen the Lua code inside the apple show contents/resources/helper folders on my m1mac that likely deal with this switching of pages etc... something you might be familiar with @D-One ???

    What Lua scripts are you referring too? The ones inside the Maschine .app? Those have no code for MIDI Mode or MCU but I think there's a file/sw somewhere in the system that does.

    "Page switching" should be handled by the NI background service "NIHardwareIntegration" if I am not mistaken but It might talk to this file/sw I mentioned above.

    What is your goal? Have a regular template but with custom colors? Does actual MCU support control matter for you? Or you just want a static mapping with your custom colors?

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    yea it certainly is odd as to why NI made the controller editor the way it is re-mcu & standard midi mapping, but as i understand it... people have already used work-around to basically do modify the behaviour of MCU & Standard using some programming language to go between the 2 modes..

    example: drivenbymoss's implementations of maschine Jam & Maschine Mk3.

    yes i was referring to the where there seems to be pages which are called by those lua scripts, i wondered if they were moddable

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    yknow im probably going to the extreme... wanting to change the colours of banks...

    as it only adds the value of intuitiveness when working with banks.. but no actual practical functionality

    im probably best off... just working on the practical aspects of mapping vs the intuitive aspects of it..

    in either case the knowledge of changing bank colours is there for people who wish to utilise it

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited August 2023


    you dont need to go into MCU template to change the colours...

    you only need to disable the bank pages inside the controller editor to make the CC/note values accessible and then the values can be changed to vary the colours!! but as mentioned enabling the banks disables ability to colour and vice versa as mentioned above!

    who'dve known...

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited August 2023

    Well, that's what I said above, "once you enable Pages the buttons are disabled again." xD

    The reasoning is: If you have Pages you then customizing those rows makes no sense because they are in charge of changing the Pages and not actually sending custom MIDI. This is why I asked if a fixed mapping would be OK for whatever it is that you want to do.

    Arguably, NI could still let users customize the colors when there are Pages.

    yes i was referring to the where there seems to be pages which are called by those lua scripts, i wondered if they were moddable

    They are very modable but IDK what you talking about, has nothing to do with how MIDI Mode operates, all lua scripts there are responsible for how the controllers behave while controlling specifically.

    MCU emulation can be edited in the host DAW - you just edit whatever file tells the DAW what to do with MCU inputs, Ableton for example uses Python scripts for "Control Surfaces" so if you edit the Control Surface script for Mackie Control you can make it do other things... This would be a lot easier than editing how Maschine's driver sends the MCU emulation, which to my knowledge there's no known way to do.

    IDK if the driven by moss stuff uses any MCU, if it does it's to facilitate things such as sending Tracks Names and whatnot.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    the whole MCU side of things is a moot point now... given that you can access the colours by disabling the pages...

    all thats needed is a "way" to enable/disable those pages independantly.. that way the midi CC/note button can be exposed and utilised

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