How to use contents of

FarrierPete Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Hello, good day everyone! πŸ˜€

As a guitarist, I've been around since 1966, with an electric guitar and as a user of GuitarRig 6 pro only a few weeks.

I discovered the abundant user libraries today, and downloaded almost all of them as .ZIP archives. But the GuitarRig 6 manual says nothing about where to unzip these archives.πŸ€”

Could another user kindly tell me where the contents of these archives go so that GuitarRig can recognize and read them? How do I have to change the preferences to be able to use the libraries?

Thanks in advance

Best regards



Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,182 mod
    Answer βœ“

    Doesn't work though for any saved in .bnk format (neither does file/import)


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