Kontakt 7 Factory Library Error Message- File not Found

Noah Hoffeld
Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


I'm working in Kontakt 7 and can load all my libraries except for the Kontakt instrument itself where I get a 'File not Found' message when I choose a preset from the menu. Both Kontakt Factory Libraries 1 and 2 are in the same destination folder as the other instruments I have- which all load just fine. I was able to manually add the files in Kontakt's settings, but don't think I've got full functionality that way.

Thanks for your help!



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,327 mod

    If the problem appears on the entire Factory library, if you open Native Access it should ask you to Relocate library.

    If not, and the problem is just one instrument, then it is rather a random fault. Perhaps you moved the instrument or some samples?

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you Sunborn. I checked in NA and there was an alert next to Kontakt and Factory Library 2. I reinstalled Kontakt but now its not showing up in Kontakt 7 as part of the library. What am I missing here? Is that where I should be seeing the factory libraries?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,327 mod
    edited July 2023

    According to the admins, "Kontakt" refers to Kontakt 6 and "Kontakt 7" refers to Kontakt 7.

    So, if you installed Kontakt and not Kontakt 7 it is most probably that you installed the version 6. It is really frustrating, i know...

    However, i am not sure if this is what you mean in your last comment, so please be more specific. What exactly did you installed? What was that "alert" next to Kontakt? What it was written? Such kind of information is crucial.

    Also, please go to the Factory location in your hard disc and check manually what is going on and which libraries are there (i mean Kontakt libraries, not 3rd party). It's a good idea to make a print screen too.

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you Sunborn. This is what my Kontakt instruments folder looks like. In NA, I corrected the path of Kontakt Factory Library 2 so that it points to this folder.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,327 mod
    edited July 2023

    Ok, it is more clear now, but still it's a bit confusing.

    I can see Kontakt, Kontakt Factory Library, Kontakt Factory Library 2 Library (why double "Library"?) and Library.

    What is inside the first and last folders, "Kontakt and Library"? Are they really necessary to exist or the just have duplicates inside?

    The correct configuration requires 2 Kontakt folders, but you have 4! ...and i think this is the route of your problem. What you should have is: Kontakt Factory Library & Kontakt Factory Library 2.

    2 folders is what you need. So in order to fix this please go to your Windows Registy at:


    and check what is really there. You should see those 2 folders (Kontakt Factory Library and Kontakt Factory Library 2) so check their paths and if they are not the right ones, please make a screenshot.

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hah! I don't know why it says library twice. OK here's a screenshot of the contents of both Kontakt library folders. 1 is on top and 2 on bottom. I deleted the extra folders you mentioned. The file you mention looks like a Windows file- I'll try a Mac version. Thank you. Will keep you posted.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    @Noah Hoffeld Everything looks as it should in these folders. What is inside the Kontakt folder?

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks Jeremy. Here's the contents of my Kontakt folder. This what you meant?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod
    edited July 2023

    I meant this folder but it seems you deleted it:

    If you still can't load instruments from the Kontakt Factory Library 2, you should try to delete the folder and install it again with Native Access.

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Do you mean the one with the yellow alert? when I tried to reinstall, it went into my applications folder

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,327 mod

    Keeping old relics like Kontakt 5 won't provide you any kind of benefit, you are only heavily confusing your system (and yourself) for no reason. Keeping 1 extra version (Kontakt 6 vs Kontakt 7) might be ok in some cases, but, keeping 3 versions, is a disaster! I am talking about applications. You can however keep your old banks if you like, that's a different story.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    @Noah Hoffeld The Kontakt application should be in your application folder. Please simply uninstall the Kontakt Factory Library 2 How to Uninstall Native Instruments Software from a Mac Computer And reinstall it from Native Access.

  • Noah Hoffeld
    Noah Hoffeld Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you Jeremy. I uninstalled and have tried a few times to reinstall. I keep getting this error message in NA.... I did what it said but no luck

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod

    Oh...Is it still happening? Then you should get in touch with our installation specialists here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

This discussion has been closed.
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