Buzzing through inear-earphones only. (Maschine plus)

PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I get buzing on every pair of inear-earphones I use with the M+ but if I use headphones the buzzing sound goes away, just wondering if anyone has had this issue and what could be causing it?

Thanks in advance



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,916 Expert
    edited July 2023

    If your in-ears work wirelessly, then it’s most probably your receiver picking up some interference. Or it could be the (wall powered) wireless transmitter having grounding issues when connected to the (wall powered) M+.

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks for the advice, I don't use wireless earphones so if it's grounding issues, what can I do? I've tried different plugs around the house.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,916 Expert

    Ok, this is weird! You have different headphones and in-ears, all connected via cable to the M+ and all the in-ears hum while all the headphones don’t?

    Do you use a headphone jack 6.3mm to 3.5mm adapter? If yes, can you try a different one?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited July 2023

    Never had this issue, doubt it's grounding problems, most likely it's your adapter, maybe it's mono? Or defective?

    Does your headphone/adapter work fine with other devices?

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 209 Pro
    edited July 2023

    I have this issue with my low impedance IEMs, if you have higher impedance earbuds or IEMs. it will go away. Most sets of cans have higher impedance, I assume that is why I never witnessed that noise floor with Headphones just my super sensitive low impedance IEMs.

    While using the troublesome IEMs I turn up the output digitally at the master and turn the analog knob on the back down to attenuate the noise floor a bit.

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks for the respones guys.

    I thought it could have been the adapter too but i bought a new one and when testing both of them on other devices they work fine.

    Just another thing I forgot to add was that the humming sound goes away when I have my hands on certain parts of the maschine, like the knobs. I'm so confused, haha.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited July 2023

    humm.. That sounds pretty bad. Test your M+ with other headphones, to make sure it's not defective, as many as you can, borrow from a friend or something. 😬

    Do the same with your headphone, test them in multiple devices.

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    I've tried a few pairs of different earphones all which work fine with every other device with and without the three working adapters I have:

    soundmagic e10

    Moondrop Aria

    Sennheiser IE80 IEM

    Pair of old iphone earbuds.

    and the headphones i've tried are:



    Husbands pair of cheap off brand gaming headphones.

    If it's defective, nothing else seems off about the device and I don't mind using heaphones, was just wondering if anyone had any ideas.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 209 Pro


    To clarify, there is NO issue with the DT990 and DT150 right?

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    @OhulahanBass yeah, no issues with them.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 209 Pro
    edited July 2023

    Sadly, I think what you are experiencing is part of the MK3/M+ design that favors driving less sensitive and higher impedance headphones like your Beyer Dynamics. It would have been nice if they considered IEMs/earphones in their design as I think more and more people are going that route, especially when mobile.

    -I think you want impedance greater than 32Ohms on your earphones or headphones to match M+

    I will check a couple pairs of IEMs/earphones to see if I get the "goes away when I have my hands on certain parts" issue. While I think what you are witnessing is normal, the noise level changing as you touch the surface of Maschine seems a ground loop thing.

  • PucaMomo
    PucaMomo Member Posts: 13 Member

    @OhulahanBass Thank you! Yeah, I couldn't find anything on the internet about it, it's so strange. I'm still in love with the M+ though, so no big deal. :)

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