Self-Created "Echo Out" effect doesn't play on the press of button

ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Hi guys,

first I want to say that I am a total noob. So if there are any infos that are self-explanatory to you and which are missing in my explanation, I am sorry in advance ;)

Setup: M1 Mac with Traktor Kontrol S4 and Traktor Pro 3.8.0 42

The issue is the following: I want to set up an effect to echo out.

Settings->Controller Manager

I went to the "Traktor Scratch 2 default mapping - Generic Keyboard (Keyboard)" as all my other hot keys are managed there too (I believe).

In-Port is "Keyboard" and Out-Port is blank. Device Target is "Focus".

In the assignment table I added the following stuff:

  • FX Unit 3 On -> Assigned to "Deck A" with Mode "Hold"
  • Unit On -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Hold"
  • Dry/Wet Adjust (FX Unit) -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "0.25"
  • Knob 1 -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "1.0"
  • Knob 2 -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "0.7"
  • Knob 3 -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "0.6"
  • Button 2 -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Hold"
  • Effect 1 Selector -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "Delay"
  • FX Unit Mode Selector -> Assigned to FX Unit 3 with Mode "Direct" and Value "Group"

Type of Controller is "Button" and I further mapped all of them to the letter "Ü". I deleted the function that was previously mapped to "Ü" too.

Now when I close the settings, play a track and press "Ü" nothing happens.

Does anyone know what the problem might be? I'd be super thankful to learn what I did wrong.

All the best


Best Answers

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    Don't worry, we'll find out what's going wrong. Let's start with the basics:

    On your screenshot i can see that there are only FX Units 1 and 2 active. The mapping uses FX Unit 3. So, either you activate all 4 FX Units, or you will have to use FX Unit 1 or FX Unit 2 for all instances of FX Unit 3 in the mapping file.

    Any trouble, let me know.

    And thanks for your offer. 🦋

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    I tested your file and it worked perfectly. Even the 'Delay'was selected for effect (that's from the top of my list the 6th effect in the dropdown menu). I assume the 6th position in YOUR dropdown list may be a different effect, since the exact sequence is usually different from user to user (you can customize the list).

    So, please check if the effect selected in the 'Effect 1 Selector' assignment is actually 'Delay' and not some other effect. In every other way, you have converted the FX UNIT3/DECK A mapping successfully and completely to FX UNIT4/DECK B.

    You may want to select a key different from Ü for the mapping so you can use both seperately.


    If you want to use the keyboard mapping on your friend's computer, you can just inport it into his traktor version without mixing up anything in Traktor that he or she might not approve of. Just make sure FX selected on the computer's Traktor version is actually the delay effect, and if not to change it

    I encourage you to try out what other functions Traktor has and what they do. Almost all of them can be mapped and, as you have found out now, can be combined to convenient and awesome Super Functions.

    The best way to learn Traktor's mapping capabilites, some of which can ONLY be accessed by mapping them, ist first to have a good look at the Traktor Manual (thanks for the direct link @Stevan ), which can be found HERE. Next would be a decent device. The keyboard sadly has only keys, no encoders, pots or faders, nor LED feedback. A mapping accessible side-controller like the F1 is great for that purpose. And lastly, there is a large library of mappings for every conceivable controller on the mapping page of DJ-TECHTOOLS. Once you have an account, all the mappings are available for download, and you can upload your own. If you use one of those as a foundation, you can learn a lot by looking at what others have successfuly put together and internalize the logic involved and the sometimes silly limitations of the system.

    Oh, and get the awesome CommandManagerDoneRight-tsi editor maintained by @dj_estrela. Best thing that ever happened to Traktor mapping. And this guy knows his stuff. You can't use it for keyboard mappings, but the other types are fair game.

    Thanks again for your support... 🦋



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023
    1. Try 'Toggle' instead of 'Hold' for all instances.
    2. You have to use 'Single' instead of 'Group'.
    3. Add the command 'Store Preset' for FX Unit 3.
  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2023

    EDIT: Are you able to describe where I can add the "Store Preset"? I tried to google it and search under the "Add In"-Button, but wasn't able to find it - sorry :/


    Thanks for replying so fast! Unfortunately, it didn't work as well when I changed to "Toggle" on all that were previous "Hold" and the FX Unit Mode Selector to "Single"... Do you have any other ideas? Could it have to do something with the device?

    I also did everything I wrote in the previous comment on a "Generic MIDI" device, but then I wasn't able to map a button from the controller to the assignment table as the button in the background simply did, what it was normally assigned to do, even after I pressed "Learn"...

    Thanks a lot!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod

    You will probably need modifiers to do this accurately. It's correct to use the 'keyboad' template and not the generic 'MIDI device' for you keyboard. Can you upload your file to this thread? I'll go over it and correct any mistakes, then you can check the corrections to get an idea what's what with the mapping.

    The mapping capabilites of Traktor are pretty good, but getting started is a bit of a mouthful.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023

    Here is my solution:

    Download the file and extract it.

    Import the content using 'Add...' below the device dropdown. Delete any old keyboad mappings in the dropdown list first.

    Go to the assignment 'Effect 1 Selector' and select 'Delay', since your FX list probably has a different order and my 'Delay' is your 'Whatever FX' in your ordered FX list.

    Once you have tested pressing Ü at least once, the 'Store Preset' command should have initialized the FX settings and you are good to go.

    I used modifier #8 to define the active status. Value = 0 means the effect is off and ready to be used. Value = 1 means the effect is active and ready to be deactivated. Press Ü to activate and press Ü again to deactivate.

    Have a good look at what i did and if you have any more questions what does what feel free to ask. But basically i just copied all of your instructions but added modifier conditions to each and added two assignments to toggle modifier #8 from 0 to 1 and back.


  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Holy moly! Thanks a lot for your effort!!!

    I tried to figure out, how to extract my "file" and then I saw your new message.

    I only have one more question:

    Do you truly mean deleting all keyboard mappings? Not only the ones that are mapped to "Ü"? And if so, do I have to re-map all the others afterwards?

    If there is no other solution, I'd do that, as I mostly don't use the keyboard anyways.

    I'm extremely thankful for your help and if you like, message me your paypal email and I will send you a little gratitude.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023

    You can keep your old keyboad mapping if you don't have anything in there being triggered by 'Ü'. Just manually delete the assignments with 'Ü' in your old keyboard file. Export the keyboard mapping file before deleting anything, just to make sure....

    Press the button 'Edit...' and select 'export' to save the file.

    Edit: In my signature is a link saying Buy-Me-A-Coffee. Thanks.

  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Damn sorry, I seem to be a tough nut to crack... So what I did:

    1. I deleted all other devices except for the two that were there from the beginning (see Screenshot - the Traktor.Kontrol is empty)
    2. Then I checked if there were any mappings with an "Ü"; there were none.
    3. Then I clicked "add", "import TSI", "import other" and selected the file you sent me.
    4. I marked "Delay".
    5. Then I closed the settings aaaand...
    6. ... pressed "Ü" while the track was playing. Still nothing. Do I need to activate the device somewhere?

    So sorry that this takes so long :(

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023

    Press 'Ü' several times. The command 'FX Store Preset' needs initializing triggers. After that it should work every time. It does work on my end.

  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hmm, I even deleted another key, closed Traktor, reopened it, mapped the new key "e" to all commands, closed Traktor, reopened it and it didn't work after pressing it several times.

    Do you have other ideas? If you have team viewer, we could start a session. I pay you 10€ in advance and 20€ more, if it works.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    Don't worry, we'll find out what's going wrong. Let's start with the basics:

    On your screenshot i can see that there are only FX Units 1 and 2 active. The mapping uses FX Unit 3. So, either you activate all 4 FX Units, or you will have to use FX Unit 1 or FX Unit 2 for all instances of FX Unit 3 in the mapping file.

    Any trouble, let me know.

    And thanks for your offer. 🦋

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    I didn't look at your @Sûlherokhh mapping, but the original post of @ri0 mapping shows the effect channel select as hold.

    Using Hold on an effect channel button stops any effect or trails from delays and such when released.

  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2023

    That was it :D You made it happen - thanks a lot!!

    If you have time, can you answer the 2 following questions shortly?

    1. I want to play at a party with a friend and we want to use his Mac. He has a different setting. Do you know if we can export my settings, and upload/switch them mid track when we want to change places at the controller?
    2. And as my settings are pathed on my hard drive, do I need to remark all cue points or is there a way that these are "saved" on the tracks/in the settings

    EDIT: and as promised.. I paypaled you the 30€

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    1. You can export your settings/collection files and import them on your friend's mac, but there may be trouble with the pathing to the traktor files.
    2. There is a setting in the preferences where you can designate wether or not hotcues and such as well as metadata are stored in Traktor settings or in the audiofiles. Your friend may have this set differently than you.

    It's a very cumbersome to do this on the fly. Probably better if you bring your own notebook and controllers and set it up next to his. If you have an additional HW mixer where you can run both of your setups into different channels would be preferred (as is being done in clubs) to have a smooth transition between DJs. Best to consider a 5 minute music break, since its a private party.

  • ri0
    ri0 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Alright! Thanks heavily for the input!!

    One last thing that just came up: I re-added the file you sent me, changed all assignments except for "Modifier # 8" to "FX Unit 4" and added the control "FX Unit 4 on" twice, where "value" and "set to value" have "0" and "1" in contrast to one another. I further set the deck to "B" in the "FX Unit 4 on"... but when I press the mapped button it only activates the FX (marked orange) without playing the effect. Do you have any ideas, what went wrong?

    Here is the tsi...

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,078 mod
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    I tested your file and it worked perfectly. Even the 'Delay'was selected for effect (that's from the top of my list the 6th effect in the dropdown menu). I assume the 6th position in YOUR dropdown list may be a different effect, since the exact sequence is usually different from user to user (you can customize the list).

    So, please check if the effect selected in the 'Effect 1 Selector' assignment is actually 'Delay' and not some other effect. In every other way, you have converted the FX UNIT3/DECK A mapping successfully and completely to FX UNIT4/DECK B.

    You may want to select a key different from Ü for the mapping so you can use both seperately.


    If you want to use the keyboard mapping on your friend's computer, you can just inport it into his traktor version without mixing up anything in Traktor that he or she might not approve of. Just make sure FX selected on the computer's Traktor version is actually the delay effect, and if not to change it

    I encourage you to try out what other functions Traktor has and what they do. Almost all of them can be mapped and, as you have found out now, can be combined to convenient and awesome Super Functions.

    The best way to learn Traktor's mapping capabilites, some of which can ONLY be accessed by mapping them, ist first to have a good look at the Traktor Manual (thanks for the direct link @Stevan ), which can be found HERE. Next would be a decent device. The keyboard sadly has only keys, no encoders, pots or faders, nor LED feedback. A mapping accessible side-controller like the F1 is great for that purpose. And lastly, there is a large library of mappings for every conceivable controller on the mapping page of DJ-TECHTOOLS. Once you have an account, all the mappings are available for download, and you can upload your own. If you use one of those as a foundation, you can learn a lot by looking at what others have successfuly put together and internalize the logic involved and the sometimes silly limitations of the system.

    Oh, and get the awesome CommandManagerDoneRight-tsi editor maintained by @dj_estrela. Best thing that ever happened to Traktor mapping. And this guy knows his stuff. You can't use it for keyboard mappings, but the other types are fair game.

    Thanks again for your support... 🦋

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