Mapping something (e.g. loop size/out) to jog wheel



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    It is almost perfect. Let's try to make the size value just a little bit smaller when 1/2 and smaller sizes are set. Currently the /32 is out of the screen border on the right side. Definitely keeping this design, thank you.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod
    edited July 2023

    Adjusted font size of longer numbers. Also changed the displayed numbers:

    loopSizeText:        ["¹/32", "¹/16", "⅛", "¼", "½", "1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32"]

    Have a look if you like them:


    Thank you still for your support. ❤️‍

    Edit: If you want to use a different colour from green, or even a different shade (orange like the 7segDisplay for example), just pick any RGB value you like. We can test several versions. [ColorPickerLink]

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Must say I don't really like these following sizes displayed. Defeats the purpose of making the indicator bigger :)

    "⅛", "¼", "½"

    Please see if you can get them displayed like this:

    "¹/32", "¹/16","¹/8","¹/4","¹/2"

    If it is a possibility, try to enter "1/2_" with the empty space after the number 2 in this case so it gets alligned to the left. (underscore line is used only to illustrate the idea)

    I was also thinking about replacing the green color with orange but C and D use that color for the layer stuff. And thank you as well for all work you did here and the community work you are doing in this forum. Happy to support that by as much as I can.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    Sure. Now we have (with space):

    loopSizeText: ["¹/32", "¹/16", "¹/8 ", "¹/4 ", "¹/2 ", "1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32"]

    Also pixel size of the font are:

    onTextChanged: {
      if (deckInfo.loopSizeIdx < 5) {
        font.pixelSize = 55
      } else if ( deckInfo.loopSizeIdx > 8 ){
        font.pixelSize = 60
      } else {
        font.pixelSize = 70

    meaning all the fractuals have 55, the double digits have 60 and the single digits have 70. If any of the numbers are too large or too small i can adjust it individually.

    It's not a monospace font (most are ugly) so "¹/16" and "¹/8 " are not exactly the same width, but it think it looks good.

    This is code with your suggestions applied:


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    it's looking perfect to me. Nice and functional I love it.

    I think that the loops size display is all set now. I will let you know if there is anything else for you to look at after more testing. Amazing work so far, and I think we make a good team. Thanks again!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod
    edited July 2023

    This is nice to hear and yes, i enjoyed this project as well. I am happy to dive into the code for anything else you may want to have addressed. Once i have incorporated the JogFX overlay for remix and live deck i will upload the package here.

    You are welcome and thank you too! 🦋

    Edit: Remix deck done (including LoopSize blink display), empty (live deck) is resisting my mod so far. To be continued:

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod
    edited July 2023


    Regarding the scratch mod (step 1) and the jogwheel LED mod (step 2) for your S3.

    Step 1 is ready to be tested. This mod temporarily toggles the play state of the deck to OFF when touching the platter to scratch. The PLAY button of the S3 will start to blink in this case. It already works flawlessly with the S4Mk3, so i am pretty sure the S3 will follow suit.

    First make a copy of your qml folder and put it someplace safe. Then replace the following file with my modded version:

    "...\Native Instruments\Traktor Pro 3\Resources64\qml\CSI\S3\S3Deck.qml"

    Now i am curious if this removes the scratch delay. 🦋

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Thank You Kindly!

    I will try test it now as we have loadshedding in a minute or so. I Will provide feedback.

    Warmest Regards

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I think i forgot to include an important library. Please try this version:

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    Thank You Kindly

    I will try again once I get back home.

    Warm Regards

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 257 Advisor

    I don't know what to tell you but you are absolutely genius!

    So far the push & pull is Sooooo much better even tho I only tested a couple minutes. I will be taking the S3 for a proper test tonight during my pre-birthday Party celebration. So far so good.

    Regarding the light ring, it is still the same & the only reason why I'd love for it to rotate is just to visually see on the unit the position of the track.

    Otherwise, You did very well. A Big Thank You!

    Just another stupid Question, I could not find the section where I could previously set different colors to the Decks. Any chance you could direct me on this & I could edit the qml file myself, I have done that before & I could change the deck colors instead of the fault blue color.

    Many thanks again for all your efforts. Much appreciated

    Warm Regards

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    That's what i wanted to hear! Glad this makes scratching so much better. There is one caveat though: toggling the PLAY state may have an influence on wether or not you will be able to do a manual backspin. You may have to press play manually (so the deck is once again playing) while holding the platter and then do the backspin. At least I have to do it with my S4.

    LED's will be step 2. I plan on making the 4 lights turn on/off in step with the beat, so you will have a beat counter around your jogwheel. I may even build in a master deck beat counter in red on top, which will only be visible if the deck beat counter and the master deck beat counter are not aligned. I will send you a preliminary test version which will help me identify, which LED has which assignment number. All four can be assigned seperately.

    The file for choosing deck colours can be found here with instructions to change it:

    To be continued...

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod
    edited July 2023

    Happy birthday!

    Here is the next test version, which includes a slight delay to reengaging the PLAY state when scratching, depending on the speed of the platter. This should enable you to do backspins. Please check if the spin amount and minimum turn speed is to your liking.

    Two of the jogwheel LED's will blink when you start scratching. Please tell me which one is blinking RED (possible are 1 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 7 o'clock or 10 o'clock) and which one is blinking PLUM. For example: RED➔1 o'clock & PLUM➔4 o'clock (i don't know which LED has which name so you have to help me find out).

    All modifications and advice regarding Filter FX, Browser View etc. have to wait until the jogwheel functionality and the LED's are done, to avoid any confusion on my end and help me concentrate on the task at hand.

    Note: FLUX mode will not work while scratching with this ScratchMod.

    Enjoy. 🦋

    Edit1: Changed the clock pointer names by 30° after seeing an image of the S3 with LED's lit up. ^^

    Edit2: Jogwheel LED mod is working on my S4 (using the performance pads as a placeholder). Once you give me some feedback on ScratchMod3 regarding the LED positions, i'll have something else for you to play with really soon.

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