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  • Rick Flett
    Rick Flett Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am hoping for some innovation... something new... every generation from the 1920's has had their own musical innovation. 70s Punk, 80's New Wave, Hip Hop, House, and Techno, 90s Brit pop... nothing groundbreaking since.

  • Efectiv
    Efectiv Member Posts: 2 Member

    Na to na co pomyslíš se ti zapíše do DAW softwaru :)

  • Foeb
    Foeb Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    My guess is: the story behind music/musician/song becomes more important. As a background story and explaining the creative process. Successfull music will be less and less a matter of "quality"

  • Simon Gwynn
    Simon Gwynn Member Posts: 2 Member

    AI will pretty quickly divide audiences. Some will be mesmerised by it while others yearn for human originality and artistry. Future music will be a compelling blend of technical advances empowering human creativity.

  • Snarf
    Snarf Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I hope my maschine+ will be more AI cause it aint doing as I please:)

  • D Jë
    D Jë Member Posts: 2 Member

    I think that there will be enough backlash against AI, like there has been in other art genres, that it will eventually become either irrelevant or so difficult to monetize that it might as well be irrelevant.

    On the flip side, I see a lot of big names in EDM (and in other music genres) going in a more acoustic direction, taking influence from world and classical instruments as things which humans invented, not machines. Synthesis is also becoming more and more exotic and complex, allowing for more and more organic-sounding instruments, so I think organic sound design is going to become really important, too.

  • Greggsonic
    Greggsonic Member Posts: 6 Member

    Love NI as a dj and producer, making waves in South Africa Cape Town since 2010! Now as a fan of other's original music, I wonder will AI be a fan or will it all be a fad at the end of the day?

  • Christiaan Tinga
    Christiaan Tinga Member Posts: 23 Member

    With the digital evolution comes the hunger for analog and origin. You can see it with the young generation that prefers vinyl over data. We will use the digital world more to make things analog and organic again.

  • Robert Hicks
    Robert Hicks Member Posts: 1 Member

    I think more and more artists and bands will transition to TV and film music aided by the ever growing list of sample libraries and production tools blurring musical boundaries ever more.

    FRACTAL FiLL Member Posts: 17 Member

    I think A.i will play a large part in music in the future, with 3d visual and sensory experiences of music and virtual worlds and streamed content and concerts ... then later 4d concerts Sound light atmosphere with a sensory full overload..

  • stephen lewis
    stephen lewis Member Posts: 4 Member

    Music will revert back to traditional ways of financing and better contracts for musicians - it will again allow musicians and music makers to earn a decent wage - AI will find its place like synths back in the 70s amd the outrage ‘real’ musicians had about electronic music

  • mont
    mont Member Posts: 1 Member

    In the next 10 years AI will initially take over and dominate the world of music production....but by the end of the decade hopefully everyone will come to their senses and realise that 'artificial' music (by definition that's what it will be!) cannot compete with the 'real' music created by actual humans.

  • el fino fino
    el fino fino Member Posts: 6 Member

    La herramienta IA integrada en el daw será el objetivo de las compañías , IA será capaz de crear librerías nuevas ,y ya no dependes de las compañías para comprar expansiones ni librerías , IA será capaz de crear el plugin que nesecitas y las compañías no venderán más plugins , por eso es que native instrument tiene una buena máquina que trabajará bien con ia , la próxima generación de máquinas es donde hablas con ia y le pides lo que quieras o necesites usar en el daw , arreglos mastering, herramientas, librerías, vst , título y posicionamiento en redes sociales .. esa será la evolución, los cambios serán la creatividad del humano , como replicar a artistas , clonar voces , hacer música basada en canciones que ya triunfaron , y muchas cosas est...

  • Chris Dempsey
    Chris Dempsey Member Posts: 3 Member

    Whatever happens in the field of music NI will continue to lead the way with outstanding products that help vreatives to get the best out of their ideas and talent.

  • David Wells
    David Wells Member Posts: 1 Member

    With the use of AI I foresee music and vocal work of the future being created and enhanced from inspirational musical roots of the 60s!

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