Listing of Full Maschine Factory LIbrary?

the_wiki Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Is there a listing of everything that comes with the Full Maschine Factory Library upgrade? I can not seem to find it anywhere in the product info. I'm trying to see how much is already included with things like Komplete Start, Komplete Select and/or Komplete Standard.

I have Komplete Start and Select and I'm showing 612 kits. Maschine Factory Library says it has 486. Presumably all of these will not be new kits I do not have.

Same with Loops and One-Shots. I already have way more than is shown for the Library upgrade


  • just_jump
    just_jump Member Posts: 77 Helper

    Select comes with a set of Maschine Expansions which aren't part of the Maschine Factory Library. As far as I know there isn't a list of what's in the factory library that is any more specific than what you find when looking up details of any expansions. Also as far as I'm aware the Maschine Factory Library content isn't included elsewhere. Note that the Maschine Factory Library doesn't mention battery kits (that I noticed) which are included in expansions.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Go get it. It's the single best expansion I ever bought and I own Komplete Ultimate which comes with tons of expansions.

    One reason is that it puts some of the Komplete content from Kontakt instruments into Multisampled Groups. Load up, Kit ist ready to play, no switching to keyboard mode necessary.

    Also, it features FX groups with rhythmic patterns on complex routings. That is content not featured anywhere else, iirc. The FX groups is Maschine content way underrated everywhere, I have never seen a video or something about it, but they are really awesome

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited June 2023

    Only this comparison here:

    You're kind of mixing things together, especially in regards to kits, one-shots and loops.

    I'm trying to see how much is already included with things like Komplete Start, Komplete Select and/or Komplete Standard.

    The full Maschine Factory Library and those Komplete bundles you mentioned are unrelated things. Komplete select comes with Expansions and those are sort of like mini-Maschine-libs, so if you account for them it becomes hard to compare. Outside of Expansions Komplete is more focused on Instruments.

    Browse only the Maschine lib, see how much you like it, and try to establish if a bigger version of that lib specifically would be beneficial to you.

  • Rayven
    Rayven Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Are there any Indian drum kits in the factory preset of Maschine Mk3 ? I couldnt find one.. Or any 3rd party ones available compatible for Maschine?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited August 2023

    Well... There's a Kit called "North Indian Kit", it has stuff like: Udu, Dholak, Pakawaj, ZillOpen, AnkleBell... All these are available as one-shots as well.

    I'm pretty sure there's loads of percs in the one-shot section that came from Indian percussion instruments, there's loads of Tablas for example, I am no expert to point out more tho... Theres tons of universal percs that might also be used in Indian music.

    The Kontakt libs that came with the MK3 should also have some stuff too but I cant check atm.

  • Rayven
    Rayven Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks bro

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