What is next for Maschine +, road map?



  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited July 2023

    If you don’t own a Maschine+ you can take a look at this video series, especially short-videos 3 and 4 in the playlist:

    You need to connect to a wifi network in order to ACTIVATE and register the M+ hardware. As far as I know it’s not possible to skip the account login part.

    And, you also have to do this after a reset.

    Downloading libraries has to be done from the hardware, too. But, of course, after the device is registered to your account.

    After the first download and installation of all my libraries I’de made a full backup of my SD-card. But than I found out that it cannot be copied to a new (larger) card and/or restored to the same card by simply putting the files back… in that case the M+ downloads and reinstalls ALL files from NI servers again (and no, those libraries weren’t updated).

    So as far as I can see, if Native Instruments goes down your Maschine Plus will, too.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

    OK, it is a pity SD card content is not tied to given M+ instead to SD card...

    Copy protection is sort of pain. On one side I understand companies to lower the piracy, but customers should not be punished by it.

    NI considers to re-introduce offline authorisation, so if done well authorisation might work even if NI wanishes one day...

    Also, there is the question. What will live longer, M+ or NI? My bet is NI.... So, your fear is relevant, but sort of theoretical. Probability, that M+ would overlive NI is close to zerro.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,255 mod
    edited July 2023

    I think the goal isn't any piracy prevention, it's just to check what you got on your account to allow you to install. If you simply copy a Kontakt library from one computer to another it won't work either, not due to piracy protection but just because Kontakt won't know the lib is installed or where. M+ will die off must faster than NI, actually, I doubt NI would ever die, the worst case (or best) is it gets bought by another company.

    @MaikR said:

    After the first download and installation of all my libraries I’de made a full backup of my SD-card. But than I found out that it cannot be copied to a new (larger) card and/or restored to the same card by simply putting the files back… in that case the M+ downloads and reinstalls ALL files from NI servers again (and no, those libraries weren’t updated).

    That's not true, copying my SD Card content to a new one works fine, just tried it.

    My guess would be that you didn't copy the .SQL, .db, .lock files inside SD/Native Instruments, that's where the M+ stores information about what is installed. Simply copy the whole "Native Instruments" folder and it should be fine.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

    I think the goal isn't any piracy prevention, it's just to check what you got on your account to allow you to install. If you simply copy a Kontakt library from one computer to another it won't work either, not due to piracy protection but just because Kontakt won't know the lib is installed or where.

    Well, looking at account what one has purchased is piracy prevention. And I do not know, how NI authentization system works, but I guess if one copies content (say Kontakt Library) to another computer and copies all registry and files, it will not work, as authentization key probably carries information unique for given computer and new computer has different fingerprint...

    But I am just guessing, I do not know, how it works.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 170 Advisor

    Think about it this way: there is not a single "standalone groovebox" on the market that can automate tempo or time signature information on a per scene or song level basis. Maschine+ is included in this. This is a massive oversight and should not be tolerated. Yeah, sure, I can make a whole world of music in one tempo or time signature, but I like being creative and subverting expectations...what if I want to make an EBM track, and then put in some sort of drop that leads into some crazy fusion of IDM and Prog Rock where I have a few bars that play 30BPM faster in an odd time signature? Can't do that. Gotta get a computer. Thanks, "standalone groovebox".

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    Hmmm.., how could this be solved???

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,255 mod
    edited July 2023

    I guess it is that too. It's also just a downside of having install managers, they can't guess what you own, so they have to check... I for one would not want to install KUCE14 by downloading each product and running an installer for each one individually, and manually inputting serials and all that stuff. Pros and cons I guess...

    Aggressive anti-piracy measures to me are things like iLok, which is unbelievably annoying... If you lose access to an old computer for example you have to request the old computer ID to be removed, wait like 4 or 5 days, I hate it. It does that "finger print" thing you're talking about. I'll actually not buy a product anymore if I know in advance it uses iLok or similar.

    It does work, I copy stuff from one computer to another often, but just like the M+ you have to copy everything that matters. I'm glad it does because I really don't want to reinstall everything from scratch when I change computers, it works exactly because it doesn't care about any sort of computer fingerprint, NA just pings home and checks.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

    I personaly prefer iLok to NI system. If I keep licence on iLok key no real worry if certain developer finishes or just decides the SW is EOL and terminates authorisation, like NI did few years ago for several plugins....

    Yes, I may loose the iLok key, it may break or be stolen. But I guess iLok has a solution for those cases or at least for some of them.

    I doubt NI authorisation works without fingerprints. You mean that you may copy say Kontakt Library from one computer to another and also copy all the files needed (and on Win also registry) and it runs as authorised (not Demo) without running Native Access at least once? I do not mean to install it using NA or do anything specific in NA, just run NA and close it.

    IMHO, NA authorises and writes appropriate fingerprint somewhere when finds something new installed/copied. But maybe I am wrong and if one copies everything needed from old PC, NA is not needed for authorisation. I have never tried and concerning registry one could always oversight something and not copy all needed...

    But if it is as you say, it would be very easy to make a crack.... Just use the NI installer and add files needed (which would be the same for all computers if fingerprints are not used).

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 219 Pro

    So it is piracy prevention. A necessary step from the brand and less convenient for customers.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert
    edited July 2023

    Quite funny we are still talking about piracy….

    Kontakt 7.5.0 came out 3 days ago and it took only 7 hours (SEVEN HOURS) for the cracked version to populate the internet 😂

    So…the only ones having annoyances for all this new system are paying users…

    And Hayo said 2-3 times between the lines what the real reason for this new authentication system is: the future that awaits us: subscriptions…

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,255 mod
    edited July 2023

    Interesting, it's the first time I ever see someone who prefers ilok. NI locked out plugs due to authorization? Can you give an example? I never had this happen in 10+ years, plugs gets stuck in demo mode forever?

    Oh, you mean without ever running NA it once? Never tried that, since I don't have that EOL issue you mentioned i don't see a reason to try other than piracy.

    You know what, you're right about the fingerprint, I just remembered I had an issue where a CPU overclock would trigger NA to request re-activation because it stores CPU clock info. On Mac it's .jwt files in a folder called RAS3, it's obfuscated but easy to decode. On Windows, it's prob on the registry. Looks like so:

    So copying the authorization to a new computer will work temporarily, until NA pings home, which happens like once a month or something similar if you don't launch it manually.

    Everything NI is cracked in seconds, I've seen cracked instruments being released there before NA, don't ask how I know.. Many companies report the crack links and get them taken down, never seen it from NI. I really don't think they care much.

    Well, NI always used this method even before NA, there was Service Center and we were very distant from ever predicting subs would be a popular monetization method.

    Subjective. For me, it's more convenient than iLok while Kubrak prefers iLok.

  • GoKeez
    GoKeez Member Posts: 78 Advisor

    Wow. All the complaints about NI/Plus are valid for sure but sheesh…atleast they can still get parts for their latest device! Ableton…not so much 😩💀


  • Ikatxu
    Ikatxu Member Posts: 22 Member

    "Instead, the company will rethink its approach to help partners foster the NUC PC market." I think Ableton falls under the category of an Intel partner, so Intel closing down their own NUC PC line doesn't necessarily affect them much.

    Anyway, pretty sure Ableton works with a direct OEM contract with Intel, instead of just buying a bunch processors from the wholesale market. Intel will in turn manufacture the chips as long as their OEM contracts are valid, even if they would halt further development of the technology (which btw there was no mention of in the article, which was about Intel's own PC line)

  • GoKeez
    GoKeez Member Posts: 78 Advisor

    still, in this fast paced environment…I’m pretty sure users will be even less inclined to spend $2K on a new P3 standalone after this announcement. It was already off to a shaky start based off what I’ve read. I’ve remained happily on the fence.

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