Save/export to external storage with Maschine+?

Thin Elephant
Thin Elephant Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

January 28 (2022) the blog posted an article about adding external storage to your Maschine+ for more possibilities. Adding drives like USB, SSD or HDD for more space and so on sounded great.

But no matter how much I search among menus and settings and button combinations, I find nowhere where I can SAVE or EXPORT to a place other than the default SD card. 🤔

Am I doing something wrong, or is this not a feature?

What else is the point of adding extra space via USB / SSD / HDD like that if it only can be used as read only. Do not understand the point of the article in that case.



  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 444 Guru

    What else is the point of adding extra space via USB / SSD / HDD like that if it only can be used as read only. Do not understand the point of the article in that case.

    Samples and presets. I have a USB drive where I keep reaktor and massive presets and a 2nd where I keep a handful of samples and kontakt patches.

  • Thin Elephant
    Thin Elephant Member Posts: 5 Member

    But wouldn't it be more useful if you could write to the USB drive directly from the M+ if you tweaked presets and samples etc there and wanted them to be saved. As I understand you now have to save on the SD card/internal, and then take out the card/or use in storage mode and from your computer put these saved versions on the USB drive. Right? Sounds very cumbersome.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 444 Guru

    For what I need it for? Not really. It's insignificant to me but mainly because I view maschine as a preset browser. I happily live within the confines of maschine's library management. I'll use my computer if I want/need more.

    ...but I'm not arguing against it as a feature. I'm just stating how I use the existing functionality.

    If I had my way; we'd have SSH access and could use something like SCP or SFTP to copy files over the network. Doubt they want to go into that can of worms though.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited March 2022

    Hey @Thin Elephant, maybe our latest Maschine+ article can help you shed some light on this:

  • Thin Elephant
    Thin Elephant Member Posts: 5 Member

    That's the article I'm talking about.

    When I read it I thought "So you can actually add a USB/SSD/HDD and save projects/presets/whatever or export your audio to them directly for easy handling between the M+ and a computer? Great!"

    But I later found out when testing that my thoughts was way off as I could not find anything in the settings /handling that supported my hopes (after reading the article). It turns out you can ONLY READ from these drives... 😭

    Or am I wrong and just don't know how to do it? That's my point with this thread.

  • donovick
    donovick Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited June 2022

    @Thin Elephant I read the article and thought as did you, M+ could save USER edits to the USB drive. Like you, I could not find a means to do so, and conclude the USB is to read only.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,886 admin

    @donovick @Thin Elephant I think the article refers to sample libraries, not projects. 😕 For saving projects, external drives are currently not supported, but you can save projects in an SD card though - and not necessarily the default SD card either.

    @Thin Elephant Can you pls check if you followed all the steps in this article?

    How to Use the MASCHINE+ in Storage Mode to Transfer Files

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 353 Pro

    From the article:

    Once you do have a storage device connected and working, you can load content freely in BROWSER > USER. Your PROJECTS, GROUPS, SOUNDS, INSTRUMENTS, EFFECTS, LOOPS, and ONE-SHOTS will all appear accordingly.

    Why isn’t this the case? Am I doing something wrong here or is an external SSD only for reading Loops and One-shot samples?

    This (marketing) article made me think I could read and write all of the above to the USB drive. And, hopefully I could transfer Projects (including samples) to the desktop, too.

  • SIBA_11
    SIBA_11 Member Posts: 18 Member

    Yeah. Going through the same issues as all of you here. I just bought the M+ thinking I was upgrading from the MK2 but reading this article makes me want to send it back. Whats the USe of connecting an SSD drive or Flash if you can save on them? how can you use this Maschine Live gigs if it cant read external HDs. Makes no sense. The SD card that came with it wont even save projects or anything. I get this error message constantly… pretty frustrating

    my Mk2 was working great last week until the guy came in but he might go back to his original home . Back to ZZ sounds… looks I might have to move back to AKAI… 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,863 Expert

    @SIBA_11 wrote

    The SD card that came with it wont even save projects or anything.

    Then something is seriously broken. Either the SD card is defective (which is annoying, but it should be replaced by a decent full sized premium SDXC anyway). Or the card reader in the M+ could be defective, which means you need to contact support and get a replacement unit.

    Oh, you did make sure the card is not write protected, did you?

  • SIBA_11
    SIBA_11 Member Posts: 18 Member

    Returning product . Was not write protected.

    thx for the input

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