9 For 99 Expansion Sale Bug

R2Etude Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


I appreciate the sale as it saved me a lot of money. However, I apparently already had 2 of the 9 expansions I purchased. When looking through the list of ones available for the sale, it did not show me which ones I already owned, so 2 were essentially double purchased. I double-checked, and it does not show that I already own 9 expansions when I am logged into my account.

I get the sense I will not be the only person to run into this problem, and it seems to me that being logged in, it should have ones we've already purchased flagged as such with no option to add to the cart. In the meantime, how do we fix the issue of double purchase?

Best Answer

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    As suggested on your other post, you should reach to order support. They should be able to swap the ones you already have with other ones, if you ask nicely 😉

    You can contact our team here: https://bit.ly/n1orders


  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    I'd raise a question with sales if you haven't downloaded, though they should be able to see your account and know it's a genuine mistake.

    I didn't realise it let you re-buy expansions — I know the site caters for plugins you own when you ask for upgrade prices. Good shout on raising a bug

  • R2Etude
    R2Etude Member Posts: 19 Member

    I have downloaded the 7 new expansions via Native Access already, but I will contact sales regardless.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    As suggested on your other post, you should reach to order support. They should be able to swap the ones you already have with other ones, if you ask nicely 😉

    You can contact our team here: https://bit.ly/n1orders

  • R2Etude
    R2Etude Member Posts: 19 Member

    I have submitted a ticket.

    I hope this is taken as an opportunity to make some big UX/UI improvements.

  • NeonBlackCat
    NeonBlackCat Member Posts: 40 Member

    Oh yeah, that would be nice. Like the syst already has the ability to recognise and show you only the Komplete upgrade path available to you by default. Marking other things that you already own saves a lot of headaches of going back and forth manually.

    Especially for those folks who mbe already have Ultimate, which has a lotta expansion built in.

  • pranaearth
    pranaearth Member Posts: 70 Helper

    Last time there was a 9 for 99 sale I bought a double by accident. Support had it sorted within a day.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    edited April 2022

    I did the same thing early on where I bought a couple that I didn't realize I already had. In addition to the suggestions above, one of the best things about the Native Instruments ecosystem is that they let you resell your licenses for products that were purchased outright and not part of a bundle (at least after an initial waiting period of 90 days I think or quicker if you go through support). So as an alternative you could always list those in the "Buy and Sell" area of the forum and you can often recoup around 50% of your purchase price.

    Personally I have a serious expansion addiction and I often use the "I can always resell them so it's sort of an investment" rationale when I see an expansion I'm having a hard time resisting. 😉

    As of the last sale I now own literally all of them and there's a rumor that I now have access to the super-secret NI VIP Club in Berlin where there is a non-stop rave in progress at all times with all the Fleischsülze and Radler you can eat and drink for free. I still don't know the password though that you allegedly need at the door, but I'm hoping that if I get enough badges here @Matt_NI will reveal it to me. 🥳

    (I'll give you 3 guesses as to the genre of music they'll no doubt be playing.)

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