Exporting stems for songs with external synths

Fabio Barbon
Fabio Barbon Member Posts: 27 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi, I produce on standalone. To mixdown Maschine+ only projects there's the Export Audio feature. For projects that includes external synths (MIDI driven and synth audio routed to Maschine+ audio input) the only way to export a song mixdown I've found so far is to (re)sample the entire song on an empty pad (using Internal for Source and Sync for Mode).

Now I'm facing the need to export the separate stems for the mixing studio. No problem with Maschine+ only projects - since the Export Audio function supports exporting groups separately - but how to export group stems for a project that includes external synths?


Best Answer

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I might be out in space here, but I assume when you save a project you can choose “save with samples” and it should save wav files of external gear?

    if not you can export audio wav as loops and you can mute all pads and groups except for that pad where you have the external gear. Prep your patterns with the selected sections of the sound you wanna export. If you export loops it will export the pattern length.


  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I might be out in space here, but I assume when you save a project you can choose “save with samples” and it should save wav files of external gear?

    if not you can export audio wav as loops and you can mute all pads and groups except for that pad where you have the external gear. Prep your patterns with the selected sections of the sound you wanna export. If you export loops it will export the pattern length.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    I always export every sound/pad separately to have clean stems of all my elements.

  • Fabio Barbon
    Fabio Barbon Member Posts: 27 Helper

    This would definitely work, thank you.

    My workflow is a bit peculiar I guess, since I don't sample external instruments but just control them via MIDI patterns all along the song, and route their audio back to maschine main bus in order to mix and mixsdown everything in maschine itself.

    I was hoping for something a bit more straightforward, but sampling for the full song length each external instrument separately and then rely on maschine Export Audio for the other sounds/groups is a totally acceptable effort. Thanks again

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