What do you recommend? Kontrol f1 or x1

Armando Troya
Armando Troya Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Ask about the traktor kontrol f1 since I'm thinking of buying it, and I would like to ask you a question…

I used to work in this world before but I had to quit... but now I'm back but more at home and such, I've always used traktor connected to the pioneer cdj 900 and a table, but now what I have at home is a traktor S2 mk2 controller .

My question is... are they compatible when connecting the two controllers? And another question… I was thinking of getting the kontrol x1 too, do you think I would do more things with that? Or do I go with the s2 and the f1? Or does the x1 do things that the s2 doesn't? Is that as I see that the x1 you can assign the decks ...

What I am looking for is to have the effects more at hand and play a little more since with the s2 I only fall short… or do you advise me to sell it and get something bigger? (what I want it for is to use it at home because I have a quart for it and for parties with friends)

thanks in advance, regards



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,936 Expert
    edited April 2023

    The F1 is a very good controller, but mostly dedicated to Remix Decks. They expands Traktor functionalities, allowing to easily add loops and one shots to the normal Track decks.

    The controller you already own (S2) is already capable of controlling them, but having less pads limit a little bit this function (you have to switch “pages” to control the same amount as F1.

    The F1 is also “moddable” and can like this also become a valid step sequencer for the sounds loaded in a Remix deck

    Also the Stems Decks can be controlled with the F1 (but, once again, also the S2 has some control on them)

    Kontrol X1 seems a little bit redundant to me if you already own a S2, but YMMV

    Summing things up: with the S2 you already have some controls on every Traktor aspect. The F1 will surely add a lot, with better control on things like Remix Decks, Stems Decks and eventually Sequencer. The X1 having a S2 would be a no for me

    Todo lo que necesitas saber en español:

    Resumiendo: con el S2 ya tienes algunos controles en todos los aspectos de Traktor. El F1 seguramente agregará mucho, con un mejor control en cosas como Remix Decks, Stems Decks y eventualmente Sequencer. El X1 teniendo un S2 sería un no para mi. Bastante mejor dos Kontrol F1 para controlar dos Remix Decks 😉

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,936 Expert
    edited April 2023

    I leave a couple of links here you can have a look at (the second one is in Spanish and you can jump at min 6 (before it is only an unboxing))

    En español (empieza en el sexto minuto para saltarse el unboxing):

  • Armando Troya
    Armando Troya Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited April 2023

    Thank you very much for the reply!

    So to summarize, it's better to buy another f1 than to buy the x1, right? (have 2 f1)

    is that I have seen that the x1 is like a mini controller like the s2 with two channels and that's it, right? I thought it was for the effects and such!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,936 Expert

    Correct. 2 F1 only if you need them…don’t spend money if you use only 1 Remix Deck (or 1 at the time…1 F1 can in any case control 2 of them, but not simultaneously). You can always add the second one later if you notice you need it

    I don’t think X1 will give you a lot more control on FXs than what your S2 already have

  • Armando Troya
    Armando Troya Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks!! So much!!

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