Buggy zone envelope zoom and editing

NIMichi Member Posts: 11 Member
edited May 2023 in Kontakt

I havnt used the zone envelopes since years, now I tried to use them again and I feel instant why I stopped using them. I used them for different samples, which are inside different groupes (just 4 samples inside 4 groupes) and modulate volume and cutoff of a legacy filter with a zone envelope each, all within sampler mode(I also tried time machine 2).

These problems occur:

1.If I try to save my creation as monolith, the whole DAW crashes instantly. If I dont use zone envelopes, saving is no problem. But ok, this can be an issue of my extrnal SSD

2.In some cases, I can zoom in, but I cannot zoom out inside the zone envelope editing mode.

These are the two main issues I have, but in general the editing input is lagging,the sample focus is different with the group focus, so you always need to watch to edit the right group panel. But ok, this are workflow issues, the two issues which occur are main issues...


Best Answer


  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    You forgot to mention that you are using Kontakt 5. Not that you can't.

    Using Kontakt 5 and 6, I just created a simple one sample instrument with zone envelopes for tuning and legacy cutoff, then saved as monolith and re-opened both.

    What do you mean the DAW crashed?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    No news from you for a while. We’re closing this thread now. If you still need assistance on that topic, please get in touch here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_kontakt

This discussion has been closed.
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