A61 Logic transport problem

Pete from Bristol
Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor


I just wondered if any other Logic users have experience/ solved my issue?

Intermittently, when I fire up Logic I can use all the browser and plug-in functions via Komplete Kontrol, and play tunes, but the track button and the transport controls don’t work.

A somewhat unreliable fix is to close down, disconnect the keyboard, restart Logic and plug the keyboard in again. Logic will then recognise the issue and sometimes restore the transport.

Is there a way to refresh the control surface settings that might fix this. I tried rescan, but no joy.

Thanks for any help. I may well head to Logic support as well for this. Not sure where the problem lies. I’m on an M1 Mac, running Monterey. KK is up to date, as are all the NI plug-ins.


Best Answer



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Is that happening in Rosetta mode or native mode? How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

    Make sure that Logic and Komplete Kontrol have Full Disk Access: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    If the issue still occurs, try the steps of this article: Fixing NI Host Integration Issues in GarageBand and Logic Pro

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Thanks Jeremy.

    I’m running Logic in native mode. I thought Komplete Kontrol and the A61 were fully M1 compatible?

    I’ll have a look at the integration issues page. Thanks again for the help.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @Pete from Bristol They are fully M1 compatible, these questions are just for troubleshooting.

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Ah, okay!

    BTW, I’m blown away by the A61 and the NI instruments etc. Fantastic job.


  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi Jeremy,

    I followed the link to that fix.

    Had a problem. Regarding this instruction:-

    1. Start Finder and open the following location:
    2. Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > MIDI Device Plug-Ins
    3. Delete these files from the MIDI Device Plug-Ins folder:
    4. KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series.bundle
    5. KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series.bundle
    6. MASCHINE MK3.bundle

    This particular folder was empty. I carried on and complete the rest of the process successfully, but it hasn't helped at all.

    Is there anything else you can think of that might solve this frustrating problem? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member
    Answer ✓

    Don't worry, mate. I cracked it. I went into Mac midi studio and deleted the keyboard there. It's reinstalled and seems to be good at the moment.

    Thanks for your time and trouble.


  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi Jeremy,

    I'd hoped I'd solved my problem and in some ways I have, but it involved constantly going into midi studio on my Mac and deleting my keyboard. When I fire up Logic it sees the keyboard again and the transport controls etc are available.

    I've run the troubleshooting tips on deleting the midi device plug ins folder (there was nothing in there to delete). The keyboard is plugged directly into the Mac, rather than via a hub. And everything is up to date, software wise.

    Is this a bug in the software or is there anything else I could try? One thing: do I have to dismount the keyboard in some way when shutting down?

    All the best and thanks for any further advice,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Hey Pete, just double checking but do Komplete Kontrol and Logic both have Full Disk Access?

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited March 2023

    Hi Jeremy system and wheel are read and write. Everyone is read. I haven’t changed any defaults.

    The fix seems to be to disconnect the keyboard, delete from midi studio and then let Logic reload it when you plug it back in.

    I can live with that if there’s no obvious fix. It’s a fantastic keyboard.

    Thanks for getting back to me.


  • çakır
    çakır Member Posts: 46 Member

    Hey Pete.

    I have the same problem with A49. I use M1 pro Macbook. I have read a lot of articles about this problem. Lots of google and youtube research. But I couldn't find a proper solution. I have contacted with the NI Support Team. It has been 1 month now and still there is no solution. They say they are investigating this problem.

    Also keyboard works very well with Ableton. But Ableton’s full version is way too expensive.

    Have you found any solution?

    (I will write here I can find solution)

    Good luck!

  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi mate.

    I might have found a partial solution. Go into Logic preferences and choose ‘do nothing when opening Logic’.

    When Logic opens you then open the project, template or whatever manually.

    It’s been much better, but it did break the other day. I had to remove the keyboard from Mac midi studio, restart and reinstall.

    I’ve noticed that when it fails, the keyboard readout stays on ‘midi template 1’, rather than displaying Komplete Kontrol.

    I’m wondering if something in Logic is stopping the NI Logic script loading. But I’m not an engineer.

    Let me know if you find anything out! I’ve tried support but not heard back?


  • çakır
    çakır Member Posts: 46 Member

    I have contact with the Logic Pro Support. An engineer called me. He connected to my Mac. He told me this

    "open Logic Pro -control surfaces-setup-new-install

    choose Mackie Desings/Mackie Control"

    I did it. It works stable with this. However undo, quantize, metro, tempo buttons doesn't work at all. But play, ret, stop buttons works fine and they work every time you opened Logic.

    Anyway. This is not a fully solution.

    When I asked for help to NI support team for the first time. I also not heard back for a long time. I wrote to NI instagram page a DM about that. Than next day they return my mails. But after 3 days they stop contact again. 2 weeks later I wrote DM on instagram again, and the next day support team return my mails again. And they. told me that they are investigating the issue. Now it is almost 2 weeks after that. Still no solution and any news from them.

    Maybe you should write a dm massage to instagram page of NI.

    This problem exists for over 1 month. This is so stressing.

    Also transport controls works when you restart Logic Pro over over again. Sometimes I try 10 times. In the end it works. But why do we have to restart Logic 10 times? This problem is so annoying.

    I'll let you know if something comes up.


  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi Ahmet,

    Thanks for the info. I think I’ll wait for a full fix, as it sounds like Mackie just breaks other stuff. I’d be interested to know if that ‘do nothing’ load option I mentioned helps at all on your machine. I might have just been lucky.

    And I agree, it’s an annoying fault, made worse by NI’s seemingly very poor customer support. Not what I’d expected from a company that makes such great products.

    All the best.


  • Pete from Bristol
    Pete from Bristol Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi Ahmet. I just turned on the Mac to see what happened. Transport controls worked about 20% of the time I started Logic.

    The problem is that starting Logic doesn’t take the keyboard out of midi mode. It still shows midi mode template 1 on the small screen.

    When it works, the screen shows NS or something like it.

    I’ve tried deleting the keyboard from Logic. It then took the Daw ages to recognise it again, but when it did, transport worked - for a while.

    Did you try their fix of deleting various files from Applications Support and Midi Devices? Didn’t help me at all.

    What a mess! Keep in touch.


  • çakır
    çakır Member Posts: 46 Member

    Hi Pete.

    I exactly know what you talking about by "The problem is that starting Logic doesn’t take the keyboard out of midi mode. It still shows midi mode template 1 on the small screen. "

    It is same in mine.

    I have tried deleting various files from Applications Support and Midi Devices. I did not get any result eighter.

    ı have also tried this -- go Library/Preferences and fin this "com.apple.logic.pro.cs" , delete it and restart your computer. It works at first but, when you try to open logic second time, problem comes back.

    It is for sure a real mess!


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