The Monolith / Balkan / Elysium offer for current customers

davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Will customers who have already bought Komplete 14 be getting these products added to their NI accounts?



  • petrus23
    petrus23 Member Posts: 3 Member

    I just asked the same question before i saw this post ... (newbie)

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Komplete & Friends is a limited time offer (until March 30th) and unless you bought Komplete in the last couple of weeks, the offer wouldn't extend to previous purchases.

  • petrus23
    petrus23 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Pretty harsh

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    Hmmm, that's a pretty ****** way to treat repeat customers. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to give us the option of having a title added if we were to buy a new release, like schema:dark?

  • Luder Hvalros
    Luder Hvalros Member Posts: 10 Member

    @Matt_NI what is the cutoff date in terms of who bought it before March 1st who you would still extend the offer to? And how would the person go about initiating it?

  • drezillabeats
    drezillabeats Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    That's ****** as I just upgraded to Komplete 2 months ago. Great way to treat faithful customers.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    You'd have to contact our order support team to get more details about this, I don't have the full breakdown of grace period and things like that:

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    I guess that would just a be a different type of offer then. We have LTO literally every months and so you would just have to keep checking what sort of offers are available. This one is also available for existing customers since the offer extends to upgrade/updates too.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru

    Totally get the sales LTO ofer Matt.

    I think the issue is, some of us upgraded on release (I do every year, or every other year), but the upgrade price we're getting to include these free for new customer offers, is higher than our actual upgrade price we already paid.

    No issue that it doesn't apply to me, but it might be worth some feedback to your sales/store marketing team -they'll get a higher conversiion on existing customers with a better offer. NI already has the data to create custom offers based on when products/bundles were pruchased.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @drezillabeats @Vagus I will definitely pass this information along and don't get me wrong, I understand it's frustrating. I myself buy stuff online and sometime miss a new sale by a short margin.

    @Vagus Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not a sales guy so I could get this completely wrong but I'm personally not following the "it was more expensive for me at release" logic. Isn't it how it works all the time? You're paying a premium because you have the latest and most new "whatever it is that you are buying". Like if I buy a new laptop the day of the release, it would be more expensive than if I waited a few months to see an offer.

  • Le Steak
    Le Steak Member Posts: 2 Member

    As much as I understand the importance of attracting new customers, I'm still very disappointed when huge companies (Native Instruments isn't the only one in that case) seem to completely ignore recurrent and loyal customers.

    Having bought several pieces of hardware and keeping on updating Collector's edition as soon as a new version comes out, it still doesn't feel quite right. We're talking about expensive and inspiring pieces of software here, not a supermarket promotion on soda, yogurts or curated ham.

    Letting loyal customers benefit of even a fraction of such promotions would greatly benefit returning customers love and trust for the company. Sorry for the rant, and glad to read in this forum that Reaktor is getting a new update (this really made my day).

  • djwaxxy
    djwaxxy Member Posts: 57 Member

    so let me get this right..customers who bought the upgrades on day one wont get these three products?and if we check out our offers on our accounts its costs nearly the same as it did when i did the full price upgrade a few months ago...

    yep thats a pretty ****** deal.

    i bought the ultimate 14 collectors edition you would think id get something as should anyone who bought any of the upgrades.

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2023

    I've already given NI my money for Komplete 14 Ultimate CE. What exactly am I meant to upgrade/update to?

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 539 Guru
    edited March 2023

    Not taking it the wrong way at all Matt. To quote @davemacp I've already upgraded to 14 Ultimate CE a few months back - and the price I'm being offered to upgrade to include these partner products (It's a good offer), is more expensive than my original upgrade from U13 CE to U14 CE.

    This week, I upgraded my Iziotope stuff for $199, which upgraded everything I have to the latest version, added two products from Exponential Audio, included a bunch of new things from Plugin Boutique, and got me a copy of Guitar Rig 6 pro, which I gifted to a family member as I already own it.

    My point was, if I upgraded from NI's flagship product a few months back, to the latest version of NI's flagship product, I'd expect the offer I receive to be better than "Hey, give us £499 for the two items you don't yet own, even though you can buy those two items seperately for £400 anyway.

    NI can see every single product I own in Native Access, so I'd hope its already good systems would have spotted that.

    So it's not a dig, per say, but some feedback on a lost sales oppertunity.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @Vagus There is no other upgrade/update when you already K14UCE since you are at the highest tier, meaning the price you see if probably for another license you don't need. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there is an alternative for owners of Collector's Edition.

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