Owners of Izotope and Traktor: Are new features only for subscribers?

Jano Bermudes
Jano Bermudes Member Posts: 4 Member


Ive seen a bunch of new roadmap features that use Izotope plugins and all of them are linked to the plus version. As a long time owner of Izotope production Suite and Traktor, will I be able to access these features or are we being locked out?





  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 492 Pro

    Probable answer will be “you bought these for its own features and nobody said “plus” subscription will be added after putchase”

    So my gut says “you will need to pay and maybe some free months will be available for previous users of iZotope” but nothing else.

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper

    The effects by Izotope that will be used in Traktor, will not gonna be the effects that we have to use in our daws. Based on them and theyr experience? Ofcourse, but other product for other use! So I think there will be no promo for us.

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