Komplete Kontrol Mk2 disconnecting when changing tracks in Ableton 10 Windows

dario654321 Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


Hope NI admins can help with his.


Running all the latest and updated NI plugin versions (Komplete Kontrol PLugin version 2.8.1) on Windows 10 and Ableton Live 10.1.43

NIHardwareService and NIHOstIntegrationAgent and NTKDaemonService is Automatic and Running.

My problem:

When I open more than one KOmplete Kontrol instance (by dragging VST3 plugin onto ableton midi tracks) and move from one to another by the keyboard joystick or mouse - the Komplete Kontrol PLugin immediately forgets about the keyboard and I can no longer control the plugin. The only solution I have found so far is if I open each KOMplet Kontrol plugin manually (wrench ableton icon) go into Controller menu and select my MK2 controller - only then it regains connection with the keyboard. My ableton settings are attached below (using DAW option for input)

I would greatly appreciate any help on this - it would help me get my work done and not feel like an idiot for spending money on a system which hardly ever works flawlessly.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod
    edited February 2023


    you just add the kk daw port as kk control device, unfortunatly the names are cutoff, the other kk midi in is just the one that goes to the midi channels or instruments you have in focus in ableton. As shown here: KOMPLETE KONTROL mit einer DAW einrichten – Native Instruments (native-instruments.com) the daw port seems to be missing!? in your case? If you open device manager there must be a bomes midi device.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    DAW port isn't missing, it takes the name of the control surface script name.

    As mentioned, in the top control surface section you should ONLY have 1 slot with the control surface selected for the DAW port.

    In the MIDI section below do NOT select Track, Remote or Control options for the DAW port which will the the port with the control surface name. It should ONLY be set as a control surface and not as a MIDI input device.

    Fix all that for a start as it's all looking wrong to me and if still having an issue, post the screenshot of the new config.

  • dario654321
    dario654321 Member Posts: 4 Member

    @JesterMgee @Uwe303

    Thank You for Your support - much appreciated.

    When I do as You say - meaning, when I leave only the first row populated as in:

    Control Surface - Komplete Kontrol S Mk2

    Input - Komplete Kontrol DAW - 1

    Output - Komplete Kontrol DAW - 1

    and if I have ALL of the Track / Sync / Remote switches to off, then I get no input from the keyboard whatsoever (no sound when I press the keyboard piano keys) , and the problem described above persists.

    When (as in the attached screenshot) I select the Track input for :

    • Input: Komplete_Kontrol_S_Mk2 Input (DAW)

    only then can I play my keys,

    but the problem described above persitst, meaning I can't use my joystick and it does not switch between the Kompete Kontrol plugin instances and does not update the ON KEYBOARD LED DISPLAYS. Only if I enter the plugin by mouse via the wrench icon and go to Controller - KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 MK2 can I actually update the keyboard interface and use the keyboard knobs.

    What's even more weird - even though my only control surface is Komplete Kontrol S Mk2 and no other - if I turn off the Track input on Input: KOMPLETE KONTROL -1 - I don't get any piano keys input - no midi in whatsoever.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    I think you may be overcomplicating things. I work in the same way as you describe. From within Ableton when you select a track that has an instance of KK associated with it, you normally need it enabled for recording for it to be the one used by that instance of KK. If you bring up the instance of KK for a track and the keyboard icon at the top of the page is dimmed, you simply click on it to enable it and it will reconnect the keyboard to that instance of KK.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    When I do as You say - meaning, when I leave only the first row populated...:

    You need to read CAREFULLY what I was saying.

    I did not say to deselect ALL MIDI input/Outputs since of course, if you do that you will have no input or output not ro leave the "first row selected"

    To quote myself:

    In the MIDI section below do NOT select Track, Remote or Control options for the DAW port which will the the port with the control surface name. It should ONLY be set as a control surface and not as a MIDI input device.

    No mention to deselect everything, just the port you use for the control surface as that is not a MIDI port, it is a CONTROL port hence it is used to set as the Control Surface In/Out

    Control Surface:

    Script should be the Komplete Kontrol MK2 with both Input and Output set to the -DAW port

    MIDI Settings

    Only the -1 port (which is the MIDI Input from the keyboard) should have the Track and Remote selected.

    The EXT - 1 is for the external MIDI DIN port on the back of the keyboard, if you are not using that then there is nothing this will affect.

    Example, here is my setup:

    Forget the extra ports I have that you don't, the KK ports are selected as such with both Input/Output set to DAW in Control Surface and that same port is NOT selected for any MIDI below.

    I do have the -1 port set as an input because I want to be able to play the keys and hear a sound, without that it dont do that.

    THis may not actually fix your issue as the problem could be something else but first step is to fix the basics so it is actually configured how it should be, then progress with troubleshooting the rest of the steps.

    I have a KK keyboard on 2 machines here both running Live, both working just fine.

  • dario654321
    dario654321 Member Posts: 4 Member

    @JesterMgee thanks for Your support - I tried updating the settings according to your info and still did not manage to get this to work in Ableton 10.

    As a last resort I upgraded to Ableton 11 and there - it works correctly now (screenshot attached).

    Nowhere in the documentation is it written that Live 10 is no longer supported by Native Instruments... Yet another big drawback of this system...

    Thanks for Your help again.

    Kind Regards!

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Hmmm, L10 should be supported just fine as long as it is one of the latest versions. I am on L11 tho and yes, works fine. Settings you post there are fine so that is how it should be configured.

    I will say if you have a Push controller (which it doesn't appear you do but for others that may have) there can be some changes in behavior when both work together. If you put the Push controller into clip mode, that disables the "auto arming" of tracks so switching tracks with KK no longer arms them which means you cannot play the track and the KK instance does not auto-switch, switching Push back to Note mode has everything work again. This is a bit of a pain when you want to trigger clips while also switching between tracks to record input but just how it seems to be when you have multiple controllers so something to be aware of when things aren't working, just disconnect any other controllers you have as a test.

  • dario654321
    dario654321 Member Posts: 4 Member

    @JesterMgee thanks for Your support - for some reason the Keyboard started having the problem exactly what you describe:

    it disables the "auto arming" of tracks so switching tracks with KK no longer arms them which means you cannot play the track and the KK instance does not auto-switch

    I don't have push. What I did was to briefly attach another controller (AKAI APC 40) but now I completely detached it and the problem persists in Live 11 with the settings in the screenshot.

    Is it possible that the KK and Ableton integration is so flawed it just does not work reliably?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Well, it works fine for me so not really sure what the issue could be.

  • Starmy
    Starmy Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    @dario654321 did you fix your "auto arm" problem?

    Unfortunately, I have the same problem now.

  • eduardm
    eduardm Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited December 2023

    I saw this old thread and since I experienced similar issues with Kontrol S61 MK2 in Live, here is what I found out, maybe this helps others out when using this combination.

    In Ableton Live 10.1.x, the problem appears as soon as I switch away from the Komplete track, the keyboard light goes out and Kontrol is disconnected until I click on the keyboard icon in the VST. Returning to the track or arming it makes no difference. I tried all combo's of input/track MIDI prefs but that didn't matter.

    Problem #2 is that the DAW functionalities also don't keep working flawlessly in Live 10 (track navigation stops working randomly). Even when it works, I couldn't get it to auto-arm reliably. It seemed to auto-arm non-Kontakt tracks only and it would not disarm them when switching back to the Kontakt track.

    Then I downloaded Live 11 Standard and didn't even make any setup changes, and it worked perfectly: DAW and Plug-in modes work reliably, Mixer functions work always, and the tracks automatically arm for recording. So I'm guessing the problem was somewhere back in Live 10 plus whatever Kontrol updates broke this at some point.

  • Manolito
    Manolito Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Same problems with Live 11 an windows 11, KK-MK2 and PUSH 1!!!!

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