Taking Traktor on flights

Zedefex Member Posts: 3 Member

I wanted to open a conversation about this topic as not many to draw on.

I am travelling to Bali in a few days with my Traktor S3 Deck.

Yes its oversize for carry on - even in a soft case and yes i have some concerns wrapping in foam and bubblewrap with my on flight luggage - which in fact it does not fit in with case! and extremely flush without! ( I have Antler suitcases ).

Like most travelling with Traktor 3, I also have my laptop and essential on flight items as well.

Would i even get away with taking all these items on carry on regardless of the 4cm extra width and length of the Traktor 3 decks

Any advice welcome.

Regardless, i will update this conversation with how it works out for me, so hopefully it can make the situation less of a quagmire for the next person ;)

Happy Daze




  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hey @Zedefex I just came across your thread. By this time you were probably done with your gig in Bali already. Curious, how did you manage take everything up as a carryon? Hope the gig went well btw!

  • solsta
    solsta Member Posts: 133 Helper

    I just came across this. I have an S8 and I got the flight case as well. I travelled to Amsterdam via an international flight and I actually checked it in, aside from a few random marks, it was all good, when I checked it in they asked what it is so when I told them what it was they put a fragile sticker on it, on the way there and the way back it was all good. zero issues. I thought of carryon but my S8 is huge and heavy so walking around with it then lifting it up into the overhead seats wasn't something I wanted to do

  • LaineyGillespie
    LaineyGillespie Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    It can be tricky when your equipment is oversize for carry-on.

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