So what happened top the new Amps we were promised in GR6?

Sean_Clarke Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

I feel utterly cheated, promised 'rapid development of new amps for GR6...put it is a paid update top GR7. Cheated.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    There were few new ICMs in GR6, not real storm, but at least something.

    And NI did not proclaim that those new ICMs will be for free. Maybe they planned to be payed as well as patches for Massive X are payed. And many also for free.

    So, hard to argue if NI has fullfiled promise or not.... And, there is also golden rule, never buy on promises, buy on what is and do not expect more.

  • Vfold
    Vfold Member Posts: 19 Helper
    edited September 2023

    This is a quote from a NI employee from 2021 with emphasis added by me:

    The promise still stands. And we would have wished to deliver earlier on it. So, apologies for the delay and radio silence. There are several reasons for the delay that have cumulated over time. For instance: Earlier this year it had been Covid lockdown regulations slowing down hardware measurements. Currently it is rather technical work needed for compatibility updates (e.g.Apple M1). The next release will be a compatibility release. The one after that will include new ICM components (amps & pedals). And that update will of course be free to all Guitar Rig 6 Pro users.”

    NI ended up releasin one ICM amp and one pedal for Guitar Rig 6. So their promise was definitely not fulfilled. Not to mention the original promise of quickly release new components based on community wishes that was deleted from their website.

    NI sitting on multiple new components and releasing them as a paid update I find frankly insulting.

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    I refer to the following article regarding past and future of ICM:

    For me, I’m happy GR is back alive and I’m sure new ICM amps/effects will be released in future upgrades/updates. Should there have more amps/… in GR6.x, yes, but check the article for a transparent answer from product management.

    In GR7 Kolor was added, for me only this component is already worth the paid upgrade. IMHO, there is a lot of great new stuff in GR7, but of course it’s up to you to upgrade or not.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    @Vfold OK NI has not added ICM amps and pedals to GR6, just amp and pedal.

    Still, common sense says, do not buy on promisses. They may become true, or not. In my experience it is 50:50 at best.

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