Updated to Komplete 14 Collectors but many Plugins Not Found in Komplete Kontrol

JPFolks Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited December 2022 in Komplete Kontrol

As the title says, I upgraded from 13 Ultimate to 14 Collectors. We had a lot of problems getting stuff to Install. Sweetwater was excellent in helping fix it with tips they got from NI. Unfortunately, though everything seems to show up in Kontact 7, only about half show up in Komplete Kontrol. We didn't notice what was missing and they are closed until Monday so I am hoping to get some tips to get them to show up.

Some examples of what isn't showing up: Amati Cello, Arkhis, Omnia, 40s very own etc. It appears that everything alphabetically AFTER Lore is there, everything new before Lore via the upgrade is missing on KompleteKontrol, though all show up in Kontact 7. This means it doesn't show up on my S61 Controller either. They all play fine via Kontact 7. I already tried reinstalling, it made no difference.

It is likely something simple, I am still a newbie, especially with Installs.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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