Missing the looper in Guitar Rig Pro 6

Gandi Member Posts: 63 Helper
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

As already said in the old forum, the looper is missing under GR 6. It was promised as a component of GR 6 but has not yet been implemented. A functionality like in the earlier versions would be sufficient.



  • Elias Theuring
    Elias Theuring Member Posts: 20 Member

    Yes, please bring back the LOOPER!!!

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    Yes, the return of the looper! It would be very helpful to have the abilty to record loops of different bar-lengths (like the Ditto+) and preferably is tempo-sync. Adding different sources to the looper input will also be very useful.

  • geomaura
    geomaura Member Posts: 2 Member

    I also won't "upgrade" to version 6 till the looper is included...it was a must have tool.

  • toddkc
    toddkc Member Posts: 18 Member

    Checkout page 50 in the manual, Tapedeck Pre and Post. I think these are to be used as loopers. It even mentions using them together to make overdubs. You can assign the various controls (play/stop/record) to macros even to use a foot controller for looping.


  • Gandi
    Gandi Member Posts: 63 Helper

    Hi @toddkc,

    please try it and tell us how you manage it in live situations.

    Many thanks,


  • toddkc
    toddkc Member Posts: 18 Member

    It works....just okay. As mentioned in my other post I'm just a bit disappointed in the macro support. Or else I am missing something.

    So I set three pedals on my FCB1010 to be stop, play, and record. In normal mode you have to hit whichever one you want twice. That's annoying when trying to line up a perfect loop. You can set them to hold mode but then of course you have to hold. Also annoying as you have to do record and play at the same time (like a real tapedeck). It's not super user friendly, and difficult to make a perfect loop.

    Works fine for bedroom playing but I would definitely not be comfortable trying to loop perfectly at a gig.

  • Gandi
    Gandi Member Posts: 63 Helper

    That's correct. It's enough for the bedroom.

    But if I want to take back the last track, it no longer works.

    A looper has its place. And the functions up to GR 5 were sufficient.

  • windplayer
    windplayer Member Posts: 32 Member

    I would also like to have the loop machine back in Guitar Rig 6.

  • Primortal
    Primortal Member Posts: 2 Member

    Looper needs to get some love here guys....

  • DavidnHaus
    DavidnHaus Member Posts: 2 Member

    The fact that the looper was promised and yet never came out is more than disappointing since i payed money for the product. If i had known this promise was a false one i'm not sure if i had reconsidered my decision to buy the upgrade.. So please bring it back in the near future, you owe it to us! :/

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    Hi @DavidnHaus do you mind sharing more info where we communicated in the past that looper will be added back to Guitar Rig 6? :/

  • Gandi
    Gandi Member Posts: 63 Helper
    edited April 2022

    Hi @Kaiwan_NI ,

    You can read all the communication in the old forum. There I had also shown through hardcoppys that the looper under GR6 was said to be a part of GR6. The answer was that it would be a marketing communication problem.

    Now no blame helps us. What helps is the looper in the next version.



  • DavidnHaus
    DavidnHaus Member Posts: 2 Member

    @Kaiwan_NI This was the original feature overview when it came out and when I purchased:

    In addition to that back in 2020(!) we were kinda promised again…

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @Gandi The info on the comparison chart was indeed not correct. I believe we corrected it last year when it was brought to our attention that loop machine was wrongly listed as a GR6 feature. 😕

This discussion has been closed.
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