Guitar Rig 7 doesn't work as a stand-alone

larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

I'm fed up to death. Guitar Rig 7 only works with Logic on my MacBook (Intel), no longer as a stand-alone. However, it uses a lot of energy even when not working, the CPU performance is always at 35% +/- 5.
My sound card is a MOTU M4, which works pretty reliably.
I did a complete reinstallation, but to no avail.
And yes, the drivers are correctly selected, there are no other problems. As I said, it works great as a plug-in in Logic.

Is there any help? 😳

Best Answers

  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Mac OS Monterey, 12.7.6

    It opens normally, but it doesn't respond to any input when I play. The MOTU M4 has input, but no output. So the signal must be lost along the way (in Guitar Rig 7?).

    It runs smoothly as a plugin in Logic. Can't be first choice…

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Well - for one thing - GR7 is not supported on your OS:

    That will be a major stumbling block since GR7 would have never been tested nor is it supported under that OS.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited January 14 Answer ✓

    Will be hard to troubleshoot this on an OS that is now unsupported. This could be audio interface related too since you mention that GR works in the DAW but not standalone. That is strange in itself. Did you change firmware or drivers in that MOTU?

    When you did your "cleanup" - did you use Clean My Mac by any chance? That app has been known to cause major issues - even if you think you did not touch anything NI related.

    And if GR6 does not work either - there is something major up with your OS - which might be hard to discover.

    Regarding the "aging" out of hardware and software - this is normal, expected and should not come as a surprise to anyone in this specific game.

    It's all about the "next" thing - not the "old" thing - unfortunately.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    What Mac OS?

    And what happens - exactly - when you launch GR7 in standalone mode?


  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Mac OS Monterey, 12.7.6

    It opens normally, but it doesn't respond to any input when I play. The MOTU M4 has input, but no output. So the signal must be lost along the way (in Guitar Rig 7?).

    It runs smoothly as a plugin in Logic. Can't be first choice…

  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Additionally, Guitar Rig 7 can only be closed if I close it with 'quit everything'. So it freezes.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Well - for one thing - GR7 is not supported on your OS:

    That will be a major stumbling block since GR7 would have never been tested nor is it supported under that OS.


  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Oh, that explains a lot. But it had been running for quite some time...without any problems...until a few days ago. Strange.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited January 14

    That is a piece of info that you probably should have shared earlier.

    When was it working fine and what have you done to the machine since then?

    With any computer - it is not possible for the machine to decide something works one day and then not the next. Something must change to make that happen.


  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Well, I've had Guitar Rig 7 for about a year. That's why I wrote that it 'no longer works'. I recently cleaned up my Macbook, moved a lot of data - without touching any NI program. Then the problems started.
    I know that an 8-year-old MBP must be a curiosity for Windows users, but it still works very well. Time to get an iMac, that should get it working again. But as a Mac user, it's not really understandable that such nice things as Rig Kontrol are no longer usable at some point - even if I can understand the arguments that it's not worth it financially.
    Btw, I reinstalled Guitar Rig 6. And it doesn't work either.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited January 14 Answer ✓

    Will be hard to troubleshoot this on an OS that is now unsupported. This could be audio interface related too since you mention that GR works in the DAW but not standalone. That is strange in itself. Did you change firmware or drivers in that MOTU?

    When you did your "cleanup" - did you use Clean My Mac by any chance? That app has been known to cause major issues - even if you think you did not touch anything NI related.

    And if GR6 does not work either - there is something major up with your OS - which might be hard to discover.

    Regarding the "aging" out of hardware and software - this is normal, expected and should not come as a surprise to anyone in this specific game.

    It's all about the "next" thing - not the "old" thing - unfortunately.


  • larsetto
    larsetto Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    "Did you change firmware or drivers in that MOTU?" No, I didn't.

    "…did you use Clean My Mac by any chance?" Unfortunately I did…🙈🤷🏻‍♂️ It is always risky to use such tools because sometimes it is too thorough in removing residues.

    Maybe I'll find a way to fix it. In any way, thanks for your help!🙂

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Not a Mac user - but do know that Clean My Mac - will kill any and all NI stuff - pretty much dead.


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