20+ projects lost

aka Member Posts: 69 Member
edited December 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I just loaded over 20 of my old projects from last few months.

Every single one of them where Komplete Kontrol was used has missing KK-VST2, and missing the track patch.

This had happened after recent upgrade to KK v3.3.4

This looks like a total disaster (one year of work gone).

Any idea how to retrieve missing patches ?

SETUP: Win10/Pro, Live12

PS> I have found some old thread about this issue, but is has been closed (

(which was super stupid idea), and there is no way to add more comments or messages . So far installign older version of KK did not help. From my research so far it looks that at least several hundreds of people have lost their KK presets :-(


  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member
    edited December 2024

    I also followed NI instructions on this page:


    but it did not help to retrieve missing patches

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,237 mod

    I'd suggest ignoring the "How to keep both on your system" for a start. Remove KK3 and install the last version of KK2 from here - https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000313457-Komplete-Kontrol-Legacy-Installers-for-Older-Operating-Systems

    Check that you can load the VST2 into a new empty project first to avoid messing up any old projects. If you can load it ok try loading your older projects. If you still can't load the VST2 check that the VST DLL is in one of the two VST2 paths in Ableton.

    Once you have the VST2 working you can switch those over to the VST3 version of KK2. The last step once you've converted all the projects is to load the latest version of KK3. Unless you have a MK3 keyboard you don't have to do that immediately as KK3 isn't essential.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,099 Expert

    In short, the latest V3+ of KK no longer offers a VST2 plugin option. While it loads VST2 plugins within, it does not have a VST2 plugin available so you need to stick to v2.9 of KK and then, ideally, load every project and switch out your instrument loaded in the VST2 KK plugin with the VST3 KK plugin. That will then update it to work with the latest KK but honestly, for the moment i'd just stick to v2 unless you have an MK3 keyboard.

    You can also just manually keep a copy of the VST2 plugin from KK V2 and install KK V3 just for loading old projects, but not something I'd bother with. Until they improve the browsing experience there is not all that much to get excited about in V3.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    Thank you for your information. I was kinda aware already of that issue, that is why I simply tried to go back in time with KK.

    I completely removed KK vst3 and reinstalled 2.9 version. Opened the project and KK shows up on the track (no more error), but there is still no preset in KK (it is simply empty), so this method does not seem to work (unless I am missing something important). I tried this with 2 project with the same result.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,261 Expert

    This is because - judging from your screenshot - you are also missing a truckload of other VST 2 Plugins like Choral, Flair, MORPHS (whatever that is) and so on.

    Seems that you did much more than just move KK up a notch here. If all these other VST2's are not available or installed - you will be chasing things for a long while.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,099 Expert

    After you rolled back, did you load up KK standalone, check all your VBST paths were correct and then scan in all your plugins and confirm they can load before opening the DAW?

    The database as far as I know is not interchangeable between KK2 and KK3 so going back you have to rescan everything again. This is why there is a complication to have both KK2 and KK3 installed at the same time.

    I can say, it does work as I have done it before.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    Well I can load plugins and LIBs in the stand alone version as well as the DLL version. Unfortunately when I open LIVE projects the presets do not show up.

  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    Another problem is that now , since I have no KK v3.3 my newer projects do not open VST3 :-( and are missing patches as well. I noticed there are hundreds (if not thousands) of users with the similar issues.


  • aka
    aka Member Posts: 69 Member

    Vocalpoint -thanks for noticing this. I think I just disabled my VST2/32bit folder and I do not think I need any of that, but just to make sure I did everything I could I would go and enable all plugins and libs I used with KK vst2 v2.6 and will see what heppens. I just wonder if not being able to retrieve the presets is (or could be) related to ABLETON itself (?). I would rather think it is not.

    I am also not sure what is the real role of this scanning executable in the NI folder. I mean - I know it scans and updates database but it seems like it is also checking/manipulates NI files. Never had an interest to dig into NI files and structure. I have rather bad opinion about KK, but I am using it because I have no better choice.

    I always prefer to spend time on creating music than learning the intrnals of somebody's softweare. I know sometimes it is helpful, so I really appreciate you guys spending your precious time for answering and helping.

    Especially - JesterMgee - should be here awarder for his help. Especially that he is helping others without criticizing them or being judgemental.


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