Midi automation for Leaps Macro's

ns10m Member Posts: 11 Member

Greetings all.

I can't seem to assign midi controls to Leaps Macros using the midi learn function ?

I can assign midi controllers to other controls in Leap such as the Send FX & Perform FX parameters using Assign to: Learn, straightforward. But assigning the Macros has foxed me, what am I missing?

Thanks all, happy holidays.


Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @ns10m I got some feedback from the Kontakt team:

    A lot of controls are not automatable because they are reused depending on which sample is selectedbut macros are midi learnable, but only from Classic view. You need to go to Automation tab and use the Learn button there, as with all other NUI/KUI instruments.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
    edited January 9 Answer ✓

    They are setup to use host atomation, so the macros can be controlled using NI Kontrol keyboards.

    This means, if you don't have a NI keyboard but want to use your own controller you can use Komplete Kontrol to act as a sort of translator between host automation and MIDI cc. It is possible to map any controller knobs to Komplete Kontrol virtual knobs in MIDI mode - once that is done if you load your Leap kit in Komplete Kontrol the macros will be controllable. It's a bit convoluted but it works.

  • ns10m
    ns10m Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    Komplete Kontrol idea works thanks Kymeia. I tried making a Rack in Ableton with similar idea but way to clunky, your KK idea is much better.

    I've stayed away from KK having been burned by the Kore experience (still have a controller somewhere:) but I get KK is useful, I can see there's a lot there having had a play. However my next issue is for some reason the VST3 plug of KK isn't showing up in my Live V11 browser every though I can see it in the plugin folder? Reinstall, rescan all the basics haven't worked. I try to stick to using VST3 if I can. Anyhow for another question probably.

    Thanks again for your help its a good solution.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey there, it seems that these parameters are not MIDI assignable, neither with MIDI learn or dragging & dropping MIDI CCs. I've reached out for clarification. Will get back when I have more info to share.

  • ns10m
    ns10m Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hey Jeremy, thanks for your prompt response. Be good if the macros could be midi assignable so thanks for reaching out. FYI I'm using Ableton V11 & all parameters appear as Host Automation, which is good I'll use this a work around.

    Have a good holiday season all at NI I'll check back next year.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @ns10m I got some feedback from the Kontakt team:

    A lot of controls are not automatable because they are reused depending on which sample is selectedbut macros are midi learnable, but only from Classic view. You need to go to Automation tab and use the Learn button there, as with all other NUI/KUI instruments.

  • ns10m
    ns10m Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi Jeremy, hope you had good holidays ?

    Classic View, Automation tab & Learn was my first port of call having had Kontakt for years. Doesn't work for me ?

    BTW out of habit I control click on the macros. Clicking 1st & 8th Macro brings up the Quickload screen. Macros 2-7 offers the Learn Midi CC automation option. Turning an encoder on my controller then shows up in the Automation - Midi Automation tab list( in classic view) & the option to remove the assignment appears on the macro BUT still no remote control ? What am I doing wrong ?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod
    edited January 9 Answer ✓

    They are setup to use host atomation, so the macros can be controlled using NI Kontrol keyboards.

    This means, if you don't have a NI keyboard but want to use your own controller you can use Komplete Kontrol to act as a sort of translator between host automation and MIDI cc. It is possible to map any controller knobs to Komplete Kontrol virtual knobs in MIDI mode - once that is done if you load your Leap kit in Komplete Kontrol the macros will be controllable. It's a bit convoluted but it works.

  • ns10m
    ns10m Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    Komplete Kontrol idea works thanks Kymeia. I tried making a Rack in Ableton with similar idea but way to clunky, your KK idea is much better.

    I've stayed away from KK having been burned by the Kore experience (still have a controller somewhere:) but I get KK is useful, I can see there's a lot there having had a play. However my next issue is for some reason the VST3 plug of KK isn't showing up in my Live V11 browser every though I can see it in the plugin folder? Reinstall, rescan all the basics haven't worked. I try to stick to using VST3 if I can. Anyhow for another question probably.

    Thanks again for your help its a good solution.

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