Kontakt8 linking issue with Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3

LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

Hi NI,

looks like there's an issue thet should be addressed and solved.

Kontakt8, Komplete KontrolS88 MK3 – all versions up to date, both firmware & software

In standalone mode everything works smooth.

In DAW (Cubase 12 Pro) however, when Kontakt8 works as VST it does not connect to the controller (in my case S88 MK3)

To get a connection working you need to – each time – manually open Kontakt8 and choose >controller > MK3 S88

Whenever you select a different track - Kontakt8 looses connection the controller

When connected manually, each time you select DAW button on theS88, Kontakt8 looses connection the controller (buttons BROWSER and PLUGIN inactive)

In the same time, in the same Cubase project Komplete Kontrol plugin works fine with S88 MK3 on all other tracks. It connects automatically, with no problem.

Looks like evident bug in Kontakt8 VST that should be repaired.

Any suggestions how to solve it? I'd be gratefull 'cause it's very irritating and workflow disturbing.

I've upgraded to Kontakt8 mainly for S88 MK3 direct integration.



  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    Yes, I did. Thanks. I does not solve the problem.

    As I said, all S88 DAW integration works fine (play, stop, rec buttons, etc.), KompleteKontrol VST plugin also works fine. So I assume all the config is correct.

    The issue withKontakt8 VST look to me like a bug.

    Any other ideas?

  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hello, NI?

  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    C'mon NI! The flagship sampler doesn't work properly with the flagship controller.

    Any support?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    Have you contacted support to report the bug?

    What is your OS?

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,033 Guru
    edited December 2024

    I'd say it's more likely you have a Cubase problem than a NI VST3 problem as my S88MK3 works as expected in Ableton Live 11 with both Kontakt 8 and Komplete Kontrol 3.3.3

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Before contacting support, I would first make sure you have the very latest version of everything installed (KK3, K8, KSMK3 firmware, NI Hardware Connection Service).

    And followed the steps here:


  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    @Matthew_NI thx, as I wrote, all versions both firmware & software are up to date

    @Kymeia Win10 Pro, Cubase 12 Pro

    In the meantime, the issue expands and now it applies to Komplete Kontrol VST3 also :(

    This is what I found:
    If you freeze instrument track with Kontakt8 or KK even once, after unfreezing KT8/KK no longer conntects automatically to S88MK3. Not only in the projekt you're working on, but in all other projects, existing and new.
    Also after this, even if you manually connect KT8/KK to S88MK3 (File>Contoller>S88MK3), when you select DAW button on S88MK3, connetcion is lost (buttons BROWSER and PLUGIN inactive).

    In the same time, S88 MK3 connetion with Cubase (transport, etc,) is still intack, works with no problem. That's why I assume the problem is on NI software side.

    What can be the cause?
    For this moment I have both KT8/KK not working properly. So any suggestions welcomed.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    I'd suggest opening the support ticket if you haven't already - what you're experiencing will require some advanced troubleshooting, as it is not typical.

  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member

    Well, in fact the issue I experienced appears to be more common and applies to more users.
    It either a bug or a consequence of how NI implemented the auto-focus of the plugins. This mechanism involves setting the very first parameter of the QCs to a specific name. When we unload the instrument, this implementation gets out of order.

    Here is the SOLUTION:
    With Cubase closed, open your file explorer and navigate to your Documents Folder
    \VST XMLs\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol
    \VST XMLs\Native Instruments\Kontakt
    There you’ll see another folder. Open it and there you’ll most probably see an xml file named Generic 8 Cells.xml. Rename it to something else (in fact you can probably completely delete it, but just to be on the safe side, rename it to keep it as a backup).
    Re-open Cubase and add some Komplete Kontrol/Kontakt 8 instances. Auto-focus and automatic connection should be working again.

    (the solution has been provided by m.c. from Steinberg forum – thanks again!)

    @Matthew_NI Please mark this post as solution/answered – it may save other users workflow
    also please pass this issue to NI developers, it highly possible that this issue applies to other DAW's users also.

  • LAL
    LAL Member Posts: 9 Member


    Please mark this post as solution/answered – it may save other users workflow.
    Also please pass this issue to NI developers, it highly possible that this issue applies to other DAW's users also and should be addressed in bug fixing update work.

  • WaltervanReisen
    WaltervanReisen Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited December 2024

    This is more or less the same issue I had. I had a couple of tracks in Cubase wit Kontakt 8 plugins, that worked fine,. But it was impossible to have an instrument track witk KK plugin. And renaming the file of LAL's solution works!! Now I can use KK , kind of miracle. 😊 THANKS FOR POSTING

  • WaltervanReisen
    WaltervanReisen Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited December 2024

    In addition…perhaps this might also help. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/16154687165213-My-Komplete-Kontrol-Keyboard-s-Autofocus-Function-Does-Not-Work-in-Cubase. In fact, in this way the file called 8 Cells.xml is been disappeared afterwards. Different ways, same result.

  • Ardecan
    Ardecan Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Happy new year to all and thank you LAL for sharing. You save my Christmas present.😁

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