Kontakt 7 player instrument not loading after upgrading to player 8

Antonio B
Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

After upgrading to K8 player, I uninstalled k7 player. But that caused an instrument/sound to fail to load. I believe that upgrading to 8 player should still load instruments created using 7 player. Maybe not? I reinstalled 7 and now everything loads properly. But seems weird I should have to keep 7 after upgrading player.

Best Answer

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes, I have this checked. I can't replicate any longer because I remember installed K7. Thanks anyway. I think it has to do with a combination of Kontakt select, Kontakt, Kontakt player 7, Kontakt player 8...ugh. No worries, I really don't use Kontakt instruments all that much. Just not worth all the sample libraries taking of gigs of space. I get great results with a good synth vst and lots of tasty efx 👍 Thanks for trying to figure it out but I've moved on because it was just too confusing and not worth it.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    More info would not hurt! What instrument/library is it? Where did it fail to load exactly? What's your operating system? Is this happening in a DAW, standalone, etc….?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    That is probably due to the fact your DAW (whatever it is) does not support Kontakt migration.

    And most importantly - your DAW project contained K7 but has no knowledge that K8 is available and cannot load it as a replacement.

    Very common unless you have Cubase or Logic. Those two - DO support Kontakt migration.


  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    • Sorry about that - I realized I forgot that but it was late…Anyway:
    • * I use Maschine MK3 Mac M1 Sonoma
    • *I like using aleatoric patterns so…I have one instrument/sound per group to have different lengths per track.
    • *I get a prompt with only the word "(Kontakt)" in its place in both sound and group slots.
    • *Not sure if this helps - in the right hardware screen the image was Orcestral instrument. When I reinstalled 7, restarted Maschine, and opened the project, that slot had something from Soul Sessions.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    I do not use Maschine. Will need someone who uses this device to chime in.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    I'm sorry but I'm still trying to figure it out.

    Could you use screenshots or maybe make a video?

    Was this box ticked or unticked?

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes, I have this checked. I can't replicate any longer because I remember installed K7. Thanks anyway. I think it has to do with a combination of Kontakt select, Kontakt, Kontakt player 7, Kontakt player 8...ugh. No worries, I really don't use Kontakt instruments all that much. Just not worth all the sample libraries taking of gigs of space. I get great results with a good synth vst and lots of tasty efx 👍 Thanks for trying to figure it out but I've moved on because it was just too confusing and not worth it.

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