Any point in having 2 versions of KK? v2.9.6 and v3.x?

nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper
edited November 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Does KK version 3 have an onscreen keyboard? I;m afraid to install it for fear of messing up my rig

Here's my situation. My keyboard is a s61mk1 and it only works with KK v2.9. I;ve bought a new keyboard and that has created more/new options for me. I have multiple versions of Kontakt installed for some reason so I think those must all get along? same with KK?

Why would I do this? I don't have the light guide anymore w. the new keyboard and would like to use both keyboards until I adjust and then sell the mk1

So my question is if there are any benefits to the KK version 3 over the 2.9? faster? does more? on screen keyboard? or problems? I;d like to keep KK in my arsenal because of the simple scales feature and preview sounds. I have several Kontakt instruments..any advice? But I also have Scaler 2…I like the simplicity of the KK scaling. I;ve been inserting Kontakt into a KK rapper so I at least have keyswitch locations shown..that's not very elegant and a resources hog

opinions? thanks

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    Your keyboard is not supported on KKv3.

    There is no benefit or advantage whatsoever to even have it installed without a MK2 or MK3 keyboard.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    Your keyboard is not supported on KKv3.

    There is no benefit or advantage whatsoever to even have it installed without a MK2 or MK3 keyboard.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited November 2024

    Prob need to read the question a bit deeper. I think he is aware of the MK1 not being supported by V3 which is why he states he has a new keyboard (assuming by new he means an MK3) but wants to try and adapt to using both until comfortable to switch to the new V3.

    To the OP…

    Fast Facts:

    • There is no OSD keyboard on either KK V2 or V3, no difference there
    • V3 is (by most user accounts) no faster than V2 in any area, in fact experience and several reports I see lately say it is actually a lot slower.
    • Overall, browsing for presets is much clunkier because you now lose that handy side browser and instead, have to click a button to switch between plugin and browse modes… can't have both open.
    • For many experienced and long time users, V3 improves on very little other than resizable window but messes up the whole browsing experience many of us had come to love over the last 10 years for no good reason. Almost seems like the new GHUI wasn't even designed by NI but a completely different party who feels the look of the interface is more important than the actual function. Hard to even find a single post saying how much better it is over how it was…
    • You don't actually say your new keyboard is a KK keyboard so if it is not the KK MK3 keyboard, I would highly suggest to save your sanity to just stick with 2.9, there is little to gain and lots to possibly lose.

    Your mileage may vary but as another long term user who started with MK1, has An MK2 and even an A series and an MK3 (still unused) but here is what I can say as someone who has used KK a LOT over 10 years from my personal experience.

    There is a reason my MK3 is unused, the software is (IMHO) a huge let down and having grown accustom to the speed and performance of KK V2, V3 does not live up to the standard at all. I have not used it extensively to comment on the current bugs and issues, tho I see a lot of posts constantly about it, my main gripe is the mess they made of the browser and the loss of the side browser.

    For users of custom NKS libraries, another kick in the knads is with the Bank feature being (what I feel deliberately) crippled where sub banks don't appear when browsing files, an issue that was made aware before the software even left Alpha testing over a year ago, hence my assumption this was a deliberate move because there has been no feedback from NI at all about this one and it's a simple fix.

    There is more to comment on but alas, a year on with KK V3 and no closer to making me want to switch from V2, even tho V2 has its own long standing issues that were never resolved either, it does the one thing it WAS good at, browsing preset sounds fast.

    It is also likely not going to work well either having both V2 and V3 installed at the same time. I have not bothered to try. I think KK V3 and V2 use separate databases since V3 has some differences but again, have not tested lately as none of the comments on the forums fill me with any real interest to test again at the moment.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    IMHO, it is not possible to have installed KK v2 and KK v3 alongside only one of them. I may be wrong as I haven't tried to. I need KK v2 for my S88 mk1, I have no use for KK v3.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro

    I too was a heavy MK2 user, but left a few years ago as I didn’t see any real progress being made for the Komplete Kontrol platform.
    I recently came back and from someone who just purchased a Mk3 after a few weeks of use, I’m pretty let down by the newer version.
    The browsing experience is just worse. To echo what Jester has said, I absolutely agree with him.
    It’s pretty hard to understand how a company that had 50 million dollars invested in it, a few years ago, could completely disregard their customers requests, and keep dropping that ball at every chance they get.
    I’m now at a place where I have to decide if I want to trust NI again, if I think they will begin to make real progress with Komplete Kontrol 3 , but their track record just keeps defining what’s wrong with the company overall.
    They don’t seem to get we need aggressive leadership in terms of delivering quality development on this platform. A brilliant idea is being squandered away by a lackluster approach from their management team.
    Finally there’s no one from NI saying , hey guys we hear you and we are working everyday to fix the issues and we will have these resolved soon.
    It’s quite disappointing

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,249 Expert

    This is why I am remaining on KK v.2.9.6 for the foreseeable with my S61 MKII - there is little point to move to KK v3 until we really see an update that makes the move worthwhile.


  • DaveKeys
    DaveKeys Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited November 2024

    I've had a few months off writing, and having returned to KK, everything feels slower and more glitchy.

    I have the S61 Mk2 with KK running V3.3.3, and the speed of selection of instruments is slow, and something seems to have changed in the functionality of the Browser and Plug in buttons. As this is embedded in my muscle memory, I can't exactly say what has changed, but something has. Maybe someone can point me towards this. Also, anything using Battery 4 seems crash Logic, when accessed via Komplete Kontrol, but is perfectly ok if you load Battery directly.

    This and a generally slower experience with the big plugins like Straylight, Pharlight etc has kind of wrecked my workflow. I'm trying to ascertain whether this is an ageing computer (Macbook Pro 2017, 3.1 quad core, 16gb RAM 1TB, External 2TB Thunderbolt for Libraries) or whether somethings gone wrong at the NI KK end. Any suggestions gratefully received.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro
    edited November 2024

    For me it’s pretty simple. You cannot load / audition sounds while the browser remains pinned.
    Each time you load a sound, Kk3 devs decided it should go right to parameter page. Completely annoying and unlike Kk2 where you can freely audition sounds,( by loading and playing the selected sound, to decide if it works in your composition etc. ) or just overall browsing experience, or to pick your favorites. Then choose to view parameters. I’m assuming they think just hearing a preview of a note works as good, it DOES NOT !
    It’s unmusical and counterintuitive to engage in the whole point of auditioning sounds in general.
    The Application / Vst allows for pinning, so why on earth would the devs decide to just leave this half baked on the hardware and unlike the software ?
    Completely frustrating and infuriating to find out that, users have asked for this since Kk3 was released.
    What are the kk3 developers even doing if they can’t even add this most basic option. It already was coded to work, how do you release software without re adding what ALREADY WORKED IN KK2 ?
    It’s ridiculous!

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Thanks for the feedback all. I wasnt perfectly clear. My new keyboard is not a KK one..I decided I am better served by using a keyboard w. uber DAW control and my expression and sustain pedals now both work well. I sure dont need more pretty screens. . I was on the mk1 for the light guide and it really is a well made device and I really find it absurd that KK software doesnt even have an onscreen keyboard showing keyswitches..I know why they do this and no need to get into that.

    The new Korg Keystage looks a lot like the mk1, but i went another route and am really happy with it

    I m stuck using Kontakt instruments but at least I have the right path forward now thanks to your help.

  • DaveKeys
    DaveKeys Member Posts: 12 Member

    I've just uninstalled KK 3.3.3 as per instructions on Native Access, replacing it with 2.9.6. What a relief! It's working smoothly again, and as expected. Only 1 problem; the sounds I previously had saved within Komplete Kontrol on Logic are no longer there. Not sure if there's any way I can get these back? Presumably some kind of user file? Does anyone know?

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