How much will Kontakt 8 upgrade be from Kontakt 7 ?

RAH Member Posts: 8 Member

How much will Kontakt 8 upgrade be from Kontakt 7 ?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod


    in the past the upgrades where sold about 99Euros/Dollars if i remember correctly.

  • TexasStarCave
    TexasStarCave Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I just purchased Kontakt 7 less than a month ago, on September 7, 2024. It doesn't seem right that I should now pay the full amount to upgrade. The shopping cart says the $99 upgrade is my "best" choice. Am I missing something? TIA

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    Yeah in my opinion there should be a grace period like with cubase, or at least a better offer in those cases like if you bought it a month ago from release date. But unfortunately that's not the case, and not many companies do that as far as I know, you can now wait until a sale, or maybe use a voucher if you still have one.

  • mariox
    mariox Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Same here ...

    I've purchased Collector's Edition 14 three months ago, only to recently get "Your version of Kontakt is too old to load this file ... Please update to the latest version of Kontakt!"

    Of course, I've updated my Kontakt 7, so the "update" mentioned in the error box is not possible and it actually means: "Please PAY 99 € for the update to the latest version of Kontakt!"

    If the NI's strategy is to fool the new and naïve customers into buying their expiring packages, only to discover they have to buy updates for the same packages, right after installing them - so be it - but I don't think that will work in the long run.

    Right after installing the Collector's Edition and quickly familiarized myself with it - I intended to buy some NI's hardware ( Kontrol S88 MK3 and Machine+ ) together with some studio effects.

    Now, after this bitter experience, I am surely not going to buy here anymore - and not recommend the NI's products to anyone.


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